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俄羅斯反制裁西方 聖彼得堡法院沒收德意志銀行資產.123
2024/05/21 14:28:09瀏覽196|回應0|推薦6






.20240518 日俄羅斯法院裁定沒收德意志銀行的資產。


A Russian court has ordered the seizure of Deutsche Banks assets in Russia.

The court has also imposed the seizure of up to 238.6 million euros ($259 million) in securities, real estate and bank accounts of Deutsche Bank, as well as its Russian subsidiary and Deutsche Bank Technology Center. Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt said it had already provisioned around 260 million euros for the case.

..Russian court seizes Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank assets


位於聖彼得堡的這家仲裁法院是就俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司一家子公司的起訴作出這項判決的。該子公司負責經營一座設在波羅的海之濱的液化天然氣轉運站,向德意志銀行理賠 2.38 億歐元。報告稱,等值資產已以德意志銀行及其參股公司的有價證券、房地產和帳戶資金的形式被凍結。這只是德意志銀行在俄羅斯資產的一部分。


.Russian court seizes Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank assets as part of lawsuit..

. A Russian court has ordered that Deutsche Banks (DBKGn.DE)

, opens new tab and Commerzbanks (CBKG.DE), opens new tab assets, accounts, property and shares be seized in Russia as part of a lawsuit involving the German banks, court documents showed.
The banks were among the guarantor lenders under a contract for the construction of a gas processing plant in Russia with Germanys Linde (LIN.DE), opens new tab, which was terminated due to Western sanctions.

.The lawsuits were filed by St Petersburg-based RusChemAlliance, a joint venture 50% owned by Russian gas giant Gazprom (GAZP.MM), opens new tab

 which is the operator of the project.
The St Petersburg arbitration court has barred Deutsche Bank from exercising its 100% interest in the authorised capital of its Russian subsidiary, as well as Deutsche Bank Technology Center LLC.
The court has also imposed the seizure of up to 238.6 million euros ($259 million) in securities, real estate and bank accounts of Deutsche Bank, as well as its Russian subsidiary and Deutsche Bank Technology Center.

Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt said it had already provisioned around 260 million euros for the case.
"We will need to see how this claim is implemented by the Russian courts and assess the immediate operational impact in Russia," the bank said in a statement.
The court also seized Commerzbanks assets worth 93.7 million euros ($101.85 million) as well as securities and the banks building in central Moscow.

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