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中國高速鐵路 前進歐洲 匈牙利至塞爾維亞..成功 突破歐盟鐵路系統聯結.CHINA HSR MOVE TO EU.
2024/06/12 18:19:01瀏覽191|回應0|推薦6


Referring to the engineering company which is working on the railway line Vucic added: "I especially want to thank the China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), which is probably the best company that has ever done something in Serbia. That company is a miracle and its amazing how these people work."

Chinese constructors have already completed a rail line between Belgrade and Novi Sad, Serbias second biggest city, and the plan is to extend this to Subotica near the Hungarian border by December. Once completed the Belgrade-Budapest railway, which a number of Chinese companies are involved in constructing, is planned to be 217 miles long.



.Chinas high-speed railway heads to Europe, Hungary to Serbia...successful




.2021-2023 由於COVID-19.疫病影響到施工進度,由中國工程師團隊與匈牙利及塞爾維亞工程營造商通力合作,完成目前進度達標粉碎英國 美國等西方國家阻礙干預 施工,筆者Red Square Blog.123. 曾經在3 年前報導,幸好德國權力支持塞匈高速鐵路沿用歐盟鐵路系統施工規範,得以日後連結德國,法國, 義大利, 比利時, 奧地利,.等歐盟國家鐵路..

Chinese High-Speed Rail Project in Europe Hailed as Miracle.Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic hailed a Chinese company working on a high-speed rail line connecting Belgrade to Budapest, in Hungary, as "a miracle" as a new high-speed train was unveiled in the Serbian capital on Friday.

The rail network is part of Chinas Belt and Road Initiative in Europe, a major scheme announced by the Chinese government in 2013 which is intended to develop infrastructure across large parts of Asia, east Africa and Eastern Europe in what critics claim is a bid to dramatically increase Beijings influence.China has been working hard to strengthen ties with Serbia and Hungary and the two countries were visited, along with France, by President Xi Jinping during his visit to Europe in May. Both Serbia and Hungary enjoy warm relations with Russia, Chinas main ally, though the latter is also a member of NATO and the European Union

Vucic announced at the event that Serbia had ordered five of the trains from the China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation, which are intended to be used along the Belgrade-Budapest railway which is currently under construction.

He commented: "The last one should arrive according to the contract on Dec. 31, 2025. We will carry out tests for the Belgrade-Subotica line already in September, and no later than Dec. 1. If we finish the line by then, and we will, you will ride this train Belgrade-Subotica."

According to Chinese state news agency Xinhua the train unveiled on Friday at the Zemun train station can travel at up to 200 kilometers (124 miles) per hour and has 250 seats..

匈塞铁路高速动车组在塞尔维亚首次亮相- YouTube

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