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莫斯科郊外的晚上,Moscow Nights .Подмосковные вечера)音樂版
2017/04/24 00:26:44瀏覽884|回應1|推薦2





 Moscow Nights" (Russian: Подмосковные вечера, tr. Podmoskovnie vechera) is a Russian song, one of those best known outside its homeland.

The song was originally created as "Leningradskie Vechera" ("Leningrad Nights") by composer Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi and poet Mikhail Matusovsky in 1955 (when both had well-established careers), but at the request of the Soviet Ministry of Culture, the "Подмосковные вечера" (transliterated as "Podmoskovnye Vechera"; more or less "Evenings in the Moscow Suburb") version was prepared,[when?] with corresponding changes to the lyrics.

In 1956, Podmoskovnye Vechera was recorded by Vladimir Troshin, a young actor of the Moscow Art Theatre, for a documentary about the athletic competition Spartakiad of the Peoples of the RSFSR, for a scene where the participants rest in Podmoskovye, the Moscow suburbs. It went little noticed in the context of the film, but gained considerably popularity thanks to radio broadcasts.

莫斯科郊外的晚上(俄語:Подмосковные Вечера),又稱莫斯科之夜,是最有國際影響力的蘇聯歌曲之一。

歌曲作詞者為米哈伊爾·馬都索夫斯基俄語Михаил Матусовский,作曲為瓦西里·索洛維約夫-謝多伊,本是為1956年莫斯科電影製片廠拍攝的紀錄片《在運動大會的日子裡》(В Дни Спартакиады)而作,原唱者為弗拉基米爾·特羅申。影片播出時反響不大,但特羅申的演唱錄音在電台播放後極受歡迎。1957年在第6屆世界青年與學生聯歡節上奪得了金獎,從此風行全球。1959年,獲得第一屆列寧文藝獎。




The start of one of the most famous Russian songs, "Moscow Nights", has been very difficult, as it is often the case with the things that appear to be genius afterwards.
In Moscow the first Sports Festival of the Soviet People was being held from 5 to 16 August 1956. The Soviet Union did not participate in the Olympic Movement, at first because of the boycott by the International Olympic Committee, later on its own initiative, because of the ideological differences. On this special occasion of the Soviet Sports Festival, it was decided to make a documentary film about athletics. In 1955 the Moscow Studio Of Documentary Films began to mount the picture "In The Days Of The Sports Festival
". Yet the authors of the picture were tormented with doubts, as at that time the athletics had not so many fans, and the stands of the stadium remained almost empty during the competitions. The films prospects were very obscure.
​In order to revive the documentary film, it was decided to add a musical and song accompaniment, for which the composer V. Solovyev-Sedoy (1907-1979) and the poet M. Matusovsky (1915-1990) were invited. They both were quite famous by then, and it was known that they were able to solve complex problems quickly and accurately
English text

​No rustles are in the garden more, 
Everything`s calm till the day lights.
If You only knew, how I adore
The warm Moscow peaceful nights.

And the river moves like it doesn`t flow, 
Full made of the silver moonlight.
The song sounds loud and very low  
In this Moscow peaceful night.

You my darling, why do you look askance,
Bowing your head downward?
I can nor contain, nor voice the intense
Feelings being very deep inward.

And the dawn is getting observable,
Putting all the feelings to rights.
So, don`t forget these adorable 
Summer Moscow peaceful nights.

Не слышны в саду даже шорохи,
Всё здесь замерло до утра,
Если б знали вы, как мне дороги
Подмосковные вечера.

Речка движется и не движется,
Вся из лунного серебра,
Песня слышится и не слышится
В эти тихие вечера.

Что ж ты милая, смотришь искоса,
Низко голову наклоня?
Трудно высказать и не высказать
Всё, что на сердце у меня.

А рассвет уже всё заметнее,
Так, пожалуйста, будь добра,
Не забудь и ты эти летние
Подмосковные вечера.








 Moscow by night, onboard a Soviet van provided by Put ... - Tripadvisormoscow-in-night-800 - Fedora Magazine
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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