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沙烏地阿拉伯不續簽石油美元協議petrodollar agreement ?
2024/06/19 11:18:21瀏覽194|回應0|推薦6

..The Future of Petrodollar, Saudi Arabia... - Paradigm Shift


The End Of The Petrodollar Agreement June 9, 2024.

The Petrodollar †- June 9, 1974-2024 -


US-Saudi Arabia security deal could seal future of petrodollar

The kingdom is finalising a defence treaty with the US, which is part of a broader package, reports say.


  • Saudi Arabia is not renewing the petrodollar agreement. After 50 Years, the Petrodollar system officially ends today on June 9, 2024.
  • Saudi Arabia’s increasing trade with China surpasses Saudi’s relationship with the EU and US combined.
  • Commodity Traders and global corporations are increasingly facing challenges due to the politicisation of the US dollar.
  • China is now the World’s Top Trading Partner and is increasingly challenging the US Dollar.
  • Switzerland needs to re-establish a strategic position in the future of trade and geopolitics.
  • There is an exceptional opportunity to build a new world of free trade and prosperity.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman with US President Joe Biden. A US-Saudi deal could put the brakes on the Saudi-China partnership, experts say. AP

..A comprehensive US-Saudi Arabia deal may place the world’s largest crude exporter firmly in the dollar camp, experts say, amid speculation that the kingdom could end oil sales in the currency.

US President Joe Bidens administration is close to signing a security deal with the kingdom, according to a Wall Street Journal report that quoted official sources.

“The signing of a security treaty would further align Washington and Riyadh’s interests in the region and reverse the long-standing tough position US President Joe Biden had with the Saudi regime,” said Francesco Sassi, research fellow at Ricerche Industriali Energetiche in Bologna.

The potential agreement is part of a broader package that would encompass a civil nuclear agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia, as well as progress towards the creation of a Palestinian state and efforts to resolve the conflict in Gaza.

“The security deal would put the brakes on the Saudi-China partnership in terms of security and diplomatic outreach, further delaying any possible speculation of Saudi Arabia ending its use of the dollar,” Mr Sassi told The National.

The US is also pushing for closer ties with the UAE, the Arab worlds largest economy after Saudi Arabia, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence, to gain an edge over China in the global AI race.

In April, Abu Dhabi-based AI and cloud company G42 received a $1.5 billion investment from Microsoft, further bolstering the Emirates position as a regional technology hub.

Petrodollar deal speculation

Last week, reports emerged that the US-Saudi petrodollar agreement "expired", suggesting the kingdom would move to sell oil in various currencies, not just dollars. Some reports even claimed the Chinese yuan would replace the dollar.

There was a significant increase in Google searches for the term "petrodollars" in the past two weeks, reaching an all-time high, Google Trends said.

This sharp increase was linked to viral stories that, on June 9, Saudi Arabia did not renew a secret 50-year agreement with the US to price oil in dollars. The reports, widely shared by crypto enthusiasts on social media, have since been dismissed by financial analysts and economists.

"Many crypto speculators desperately want to believe in the dollar’s demise. Confirmation bias encourages people to ignore what is realistic if their prejudices are seemingly confirmed. This is a poor investment strategy," said Paul Donovan, chief economist of UBS Global Wealth Management.

"Oil has always traded in non-dollar currencies ... Saudi Arabia’s riyal remains pegged to the dollar, and its stock of financial assets are dollar-focused. 

.Saudi Arabia terminates 80-year petrodollar agreement with the US, shifting  to multi-currency sales


美國與沙烏地阿拉伯之間簽署了50年的《石油美元協議》(petrodollar agreement)到期,沙烏地阿拉伯20200609日宣布不會續簽。此舉或將對全球金融秩序有深遠影響,「美元霸權」主導地位將不再是絕對。




...Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its decades-long petrodollar agreement  with the US, which could jeopardize their trade relationship. This move is  part of a broader effort to reduce dependency on.

國際戰略觀察家分別認為: 沙烏地阿拉伯的王儲,對於美國帝國主義的霸權向來不願意配合,如今《石油美元協議》(petrodollar agreement)50 年的期約到期終止,不再續約是正確的反應,美國向來瘋狂的海量印刷美元現金鈔票,擾亂世界的經濟情況,藉由美元綁架石油的價值,操縱世界各國的經濟與政治,甚至於軍事佈署,如今沙烏地阿拉伯已經正式加入金磚組織 BRICS,成為重要的戰略資源的供應者,有自主權訂價石油的交易價值與價碼,換句話說不再受制於美國的美元以及OPEC.種種不合理的規範制度,讓石油交易正常化國際化的供應,不再制約於美國一家獨霸,烏地阿拉伯可以接受中國人民幣購買石油交易的結算,也就是說可以接受其他國家本幣與沙烏地阿拉伯的里爾的結算,使得沙烏地阿拉伯的貨幣國際化解.




( 時事評論政治 )
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