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拍片斥李光耀「獨裁」 星國16歲少年恐面臨3年監禁
2015/03/31 23:40:02瀏覽262|回應0|推薦0


拍片斥李光耀「獨裁」 星國16歲少年恐面臨3年監禁

自由時報電子報  - ‎3小時之前‎
余澎杉今在父母陪同下出庭,若罪名成立,最高恐被判3年有期徒刑。(法新社). 2015-03-31 20:04. 〔本報訊〕新加坡16歲少年余澎杉(Amos Yee),日前在網上痛批新加坡已故總理李光耀「惡毒的獨裁者」而被逮捕,今遭起訴三項罪名,若罪名成立,最高恐被判3年有期 ...

〔本報訊〕新加坡16歲少年余澎杉(Amos Yee),日前在網上痛批新加坡已故總理李光耀「惡毒的獨裁者」而被逮捕,今遭起訴三項罪名,若罪名成立,最高恐被判3年有期徒刑,其父親今也在法庭外,含淚向李顯龍道歉。

  • 余澎杉曾在星國導演梁智強的賣座電影《小孩不壞》中參與演出。(圖擷取自YouTube)






This is Amos Yee's full video on Mr Lee Kuan Yew's Death A police report has been filed against a video that a 17-year-old Amos Yee has put up on YouTube, Yahoo Singapore has learned. The report was filed by student Yuen Wei Ping.

In his statement, he stated that Amos' video "made insensitive comments against the late Mr Lee (Kuan Yew) as well as against the Christian faith".

Yuen said the video's content could be an offence under Section 298 of the Penal Code. Under this section, anyone found uttering words "with the deliberate intention of wounding the religious or racial feelings of any person" could be sentence to 3 years imprisonment, a fine, or both.

In the eight-minute long video titled "Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead!", Amos says that the late "Lee Kuan Yew is a horrible person because everyone is afraid that if they say something like that, they might get into trouble."

Amos compared the late Lee to Jesus Christ, by saying both figures "are both power-hungry and malicious but deceive others into thinking they are both compassionate and kind".

He also said Lee's followers were "completely delusional and ignorant, and have absolutely no sound logic or knowledge about him that is grounded in reality". This was what Amos compared to Christians' knowledge of the bible and the religion's priests.

According to Amos, "(Lee) was a dictator but managed to fool most of the world to think he was democratic... by granting (Singaporeans) the opportunity to vote to make it seem like we have freedom of choice".

Other issues Amos raised in the video include the rise in cost of living in Singapore and the high taxation rates the government imposes with little spending on areas like healthcare. He attributed this to a dearth in knowledge about where government monies are spent on and a "suspicious" trend in suing those who asked openly about this.

Amos issued a challenge to prime minister Lee Hsien Loong, when he asked if the latter wanted to sue him for his opinions on the video.

“If Lee Hsien Loong wishes to sue me, I will oblige to dance with him.”
The late Lee Kuan Yew died Monday. He was 91.

Singapore, Amos Yee, LKY , Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Kuan Yew death, LKY, SG50, LKY Death. Amos Yee, Amos Yee LKY Death , LKY Singapore , SG50 Singapore, Singapore LKY Amos Yee


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