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2007/03/30 23:42:38瀏覽127|回應0|推薦1

I have continuity concentration 4 days in something for myself already, and I felt it is good for me, but have a little not satisfaction yet. Anyways, I want to tell everybody that to feel happy something today. First, Wang's birthday just on tomorrow, that's more happy than myself. Second is MLB regular season will start on April 1 and yankees opening day just on April 2, though Wang can't pitch on start game, but I believe that he will come back fast. Even if that "kimochi" not so good, but lisent to that things will get the laugh from your heart (for me). Okay, finally please continued adhere to baseball and Chien-Ming Wang, TKS.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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