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2011/10/10 12:08:00瀏覽1414|回應9|推薦182 | |
沙漠的熱氣消了. 太陽的日曬時間短了. 時令真正的進入秋天. 早晨喝著咖啡看著新聞, 驚覺初雪已經拜訪了 Denver. 而沙漠才剛轉涼罷了. 我的家位在半山上. 每天晚上總不忘看著遠遠的城市燈光. 想像著自己喜愛的城市生活. 家的不遠處, 是一片荒野... 或是應該說好聽些, 是州政府公園. 每次朋友來訪, 總因地利之便, 到此一遊. 而我們總沒機會搭船遊湖. 這次我們事先安排好, 特地享受秋天乘船趣. Saguaro Lake 距離鳳凰城約 40 哩左右. 進入 87 號公路後, 即可看見兩旁的美景不斷. 一直以為這個湖泊是天然的. AZ9 是住在沙漠的老前輩, 才知道原來這是個人工水庫. 是 Salt River 連續四個水庫中的一個. 而我們造訪的 Saguaro Lake, 不只是一個水庫, 有觀賞野生動物, 露營, 水上活動, 甚至有白白的沙灘... 是一處家庭同樂的好地方. 這裡有一間 Lake Shore 餐廳. 座落在高處, 遠望著湖泊山景, 非常美麗. 由餐廳往下走, 就是乘船處. Desert Belle Cruises 是這兒的搭船遊湖公司. 依著季節, 出船的時間不定. 有興趣者最好事先上網訂票. 不很喜歡大海乘船的顛簸感覺. 總很喜歡在湖泊或河裡的悠閒感覺. 靜靜的享受游走在水上樂趣. Saguaro Lake 除了供旅客用的大船之外, 也有提供私人船隻出租. 乘船入口處, 明顯的告示牌. 看著藍藍的天, 藍藍的湖.... 有山有水, 有好心情, 有喜愛的伴侶一起共享人生 ... 似乎沒有什麼好再奢求了. 等待乘船的客人到齊, 往左邊一看, 是一片黃黃的岩山. 近船處有許多鴨子游水嬉戲. 似乎也在慶祝著秋天的到來. 開船前, 照例要有安全救生衣示範. 準備開船了~ 樓下有室內的乘坐區. 也有小小酒吧販售飲料和小點心. 樓上的乘坐區, 可以看得更遠. Saguaro Lake 很大. 遠處綿延的山景似乎變得很小. 乘船遊湖的時間是 90 分鐘. 天氣晴朗, 山也和陽光玩著躲迷藏, 忽晴忽暗. 兩座山之間, 柳暗花明又一村... 出現另一個湖水道. 連山都有各式不同的景觀, 或綠或岩層, 很讓人驚豔. 享受著美麗的山景. 湖裡佇立著小岩石. 一轉眼的光景, 看見沙漠仙人掌.... 也發現天空出現了變化. 另一側的天空仍然藍天白雲. 看見湖邊露營區. 有幾處帳篷架設在湖邊. 露營真是一個與大自然親近的好方法呢! 看見一輛快艇經過. 打破 湖的清靜, 也增添 湖裡風光. 船長將船熄了火, 興奮的告訴旅客: 在相片中最中心處, 有一隻公的野生麋鹿, 正在山頂遠脁... 這趟乘船之旅, 非常值得了! 遠看著天空烏雲漸漸佔滿藍天, 還好行程已經過了一半. 遠山綿延出現另一種戚涼美感. 湖水似乎也跟著天空的顏色呼應著. 隨意往側邊望去, 仍是藍天白雲... 老天爺似乎做弄著我們般. 往後一看, 烏雲似乎跟著我們滑溜了過來. 不禁感歎上帝造物的大能. 遊湖的時間也將結束. 不論是晴天或陰天, 都可以感受到大自然的魅力. 忽晴忽陰的 90 分鐘, 也是很不尋常的體驗. 看著熟悉的仙人掌佇立山頭, 毅力不搖. 美景不斷. 即將到岸前, 往後一看... 層層山景與天空對應, 成就了一幅美景. 結束了一趟乘船之旅, 帶著滿滿的歡喜與感恩回到家. 喜歡大自然的朋友, 請別錯過下面的連結. 美不勝收~ 年度攝影照片精選: http://www.ejphoto.com/photos_of_the_month_page.htm#2011 在網路上找到這個短片. 介紹 Saguaro Lake 非常詳盡. 其它關於 Saguaro Lake 的參考資料. The most popular lake of the Salt River Project is Saguaro Lake. Held back by the Stewart Mountain Dam, Saguaro is a scenic body of water with towering red and yellow cliff walls, and the closest to Phoenix at 41 miles. The lake is 10 miles in length with 22.2 miles of shoreline. Location: 15 miles E of Fountain Hills off SR 87 at Bush Highway Contact: 928-467-2236 http://www.arizona-leisure.com/saguaro-lake.html The Saguaro Del Norte Recreation Area, located on the west upper end of the lake near the dam, includes the Saguaro Lake Marina. The marina features boat storage, boat rental, boat slips, launch ramps, picnic talbes, fuel services, sewage tank dump, bait and tackle, and an exceptional restaurant that features great views of the lake. The recreation area is open all daily all year from 6AM to 8PM. The Bagley Flat Campground is about 4 miles from the dam and is only accessible by boat. It offers 30 camping spaces. To get to the campground, boat up a narrow cliff-bordered area of the lake. Butcher Jones Beach, which can be reached by a road a few miles north of Saguaro del Norte, features swimming, picnic and restroom facilities. The area is open daily from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. from April through September.
The lake hides coves and caves all along its shoreline providing opportunities for exploration and privacy even on busy weekends. Those guests who prefer to find their fun on dry land can explore the numerous trails that criss-cross the area and occasionally catch a glimpse of a soaring eagle, grazing mule deer or Big Horn sheep. A leisurely tour aboard the Desert Belle is also an excellent way to catch an evening sunset. About 5 miles south of the marina on Bush Highway is the rustic Saguaro Lake Ranch Resort. For those who prefer a bed to a sleeping bag, this is the right place to spend the night after a long day on the lake. The Ranch, built in the 1930's, offers activities such as horseback riding during winter, fall, and spring, and kayaking and tubing during the summer months. Angler's flock to the lake to catch their share of Brown and Rainbow Trout, Yellow and Largemouth Bass, Channel Catfish, Walleye, Crappie, and Bluegill. |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |