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普羅旺斯法式雞肉塊---Chicken Saute Provence-Style
2009/07/08 09:40:21瀏覽1054|回應0|推薦4


這道法式餐點, 準備時間雖然有點長, 但是確實是一道佳餚! 可以在煮好之後, 將其分裝在冷凍袋內, 放入冰庫備用. 配米飯, 義大利麵, 洋芋, 都非常可口! 是一道色香味俱全的主菜!!


普羅旺斯法式雞肉塊 ( 4-6 人份 )

Chicken Saute Provence-Style (Makes 4-6 servings)



1.      帶骨切塊雞肉, 1.5 kg.切成 10-12 . (雞腿/ 雞大腿)

2.      黑胡椒. . 適量.

3.      4 湯匙特級橄欖油.

4.      1 粒白洋蔥. 切成長條狀.

5.      1/2  白酒. (玫瑰酒)

6.      新鮮香草束: 奧勒岡+馬郁蘭+月桂葉+羅勒葉. 將其捆綁成一束.

7.      350g 新鮮熟蕃茄. 去皮, 去籽. 切塊. ()

8.      4 湯匙蕃茄泥.

9.      雞高湯 1-2 .

10.  12 粒黑橄欖. 去籽. 輕輕拍打.

11.  3-4 粒大蒜. 切細碎狀.

12.  新鮮義大利歐芹, 洗淨拭乾. 切碎.


1.      將切塊好的雞塊洗淨, 拭乾. 用鹽和黑胡椒粒入味. (可置於冰箱4-8 小時或過夜)

2.      準備一個大的平底鍋子, 淋上2 湯匙的橄欖油, 加熱中大火, 將雞塊煎至表面呈金黃色. 取出.

3.      再加入剩餘橄欖油, 同樣方法再次將雞塊煎至金黃色. 取出.

4.      同一個平底鍋, 中大火, 放入洋蔥, 將洋蔥炒軟, 攪拌. 約一分鐘時間. 略有金黃色即可.

5.      中大火, 加入白酒, 綜合香草束. 將白酒煮滾且酒汁略煮至一半乾.

6.      加入蕃茄粒, 蕃茄泥, 煮至滾. 再放入黑橄欖. 邊煮邊攪拌. 3-5 分鐘.

7.      將煎好的雞塊放回鍋內, 蓋上鍋蓋. 加入雞高湯, 大火煮至滾. 再轉為小火並煮至雞肉塊軟嫩.

8.      將蒜泥和歐芹放入鍋內. 拌勻. 熄火. 趁熱享用. 



1.      將雞塊擦乾再入味, 是非常重要的步驟. 若沒時間將雞塊入味至少4 小時, 也沒關係. 但一定要擦乾雞塊. 用現磨黑胡椒粒風味特別佳.  

2.      新鮮香草束若不易取得, 也可以用乾燥香料替代. 份量約各1/2 茶匙.

3.      新鮮蕃茄, 也可以用罐頭蕃茄替代. 整粒蕃茄或切塊的都可以.

4.      雞高湯份量自行調整, 若喜歡多湯汁, 則多放.  


1.      1.5 kg chicken with bone, cut into 10-12 pieces. (chicken drumstick/ thigh)   

2.      salt and freshly ground black pepper

3.      4 tbsp  extra virgin olive oil

4.      1 sweet onion , sliced

5.      1/2 cup medium-dry white wine or rose wine

6.      1 fresh bouquet garnish.

Oregano, marjoram , bay and basil . Tied together.

7.      350 g ripe tomatoes, peeled/ seeded and chopped

8.      4 tbsp tomato puree

9.      1-2 cup chicken broth.

10.  12 salt-cured black olives, lightly crushed

11.  3-4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

12.  small handful of fresh Italian parsley, finely chopped.


1.      Pat dry the chicken pieces and rub all over with salt and pepper. (overnight in refrigerator)

2.      Heat the oil in a very large heavy-based pan and fry half the chicken over a high heat for 10 minutes, pressing the pieces down hard, and turning often. Until they are golden brown.

3.      Then transfer to a plate and cook the second batch in the same way, set aside with the first batch.

4.      Put the onion in the pan and fry for 1 minute, stirring.

5.      Pour in the wine and add the bouquet garnish, scraping up the sediment as the wine reduces by half.

6.      Add the tomatoes, puree and olives and cook for 3-5 minutes on a high heat , stirring.

7.      Return the chicken to the pan, cover with a lid, add chicken broth cook until broiled , and turn the heat to low to cook until very tender.

8.      Mix the garlic and parsley , then scatter over the chicken, Serve hot.



1.      Pat dry the chicken is very important. If you have no time to wait for marinade 4 hours, at least pat chicken pieces very dry. Use freshly ground black pepper has better result.

2.      If can’t get fresh herbs, dry herbs also fine to use, 1/2 teaspoon each of them.

3.      If season has no tomatoes, whole tomato or diced tomatoes in can also fine.

4.      Chicken broth, depends on personal flavor.






( 休閒生活美食 )
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