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袁福庭撰文﹕TITN is down to $19.51 while we luckily sold it at $28.99 on 08-17-2012
2012/09/10 20:35:54瀏覽79|回應0|推薦0
TITN is down to $19.51 while we sold it at $28.99 on 08-17-2012.

Legal disclaimer: Mr Yuan is not holding the above securities in his managing accounts. He may do the opposite of buy or sell (short) the above securities according to their reaction after his recommendation. You must use your own judgement to buy or sell (short) the above securities as suggested in this note. Our information is believed from reliable resources but not guaranteed. Past performance is not guaranteed for future results either .
( 知識學習商業管理 )
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