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2015/03/02 12:46:15瀏覽223|回應0|推薦19 | |
夏日來了 許其正 夏日來了 它來勢洶洶地 以陽光和酷熱 驅走寒冷 掩蓋黑暗 人們無以逃脫 也在其中承受 也在其中行走 也在其中觀望 也在其中流汗 它來勢洶洶 以陽光和酷熱 蒸煮大地 所有的綠葉沸騰了 所有的鳥鳴沸騰了 是的,夏日來了 來到你我身邊 以陽光和酷熱 驅走寒冷 掩蓋黑暗 Summer Days Are Here Hsu chiCheng Summer days are here They come in a menacing manner With the sun and its scorching heat To drive away coldness To cover up darkness People cannot escape But to stand up to it But to walk in it But to watch and see in it But to sweat in it They come in a menacing manner With the sun and its scorching heat To burn and boil the earth And all green leaves are seething And all birds’ twitters are seething Yes, summer days are here To the side of you and me With the sun and its scorching heat To drive away coldness To cover up darkness 2015/2/8 世界詩人 The Woald Poets Quarterly2015/2/8 |
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