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2015/02/21 06:44:47瀏覽343|回應1|推薦25 | |
雨後 許其正 一陣雨過了 洗一次澡後 草木的葉子更綠了 建築的牆壁和玻璃更亮麗了 微風輕輕吹撫而過 送來清涼 並把樹葉上的雨滴搖落 這時悶熱已經驚慌逃走 鳥兒快樂地 飛舞著,鳴唱著 昆蟲也不住地奏樂 最樂的會是誰呢? 許是鄉間的農夫吧! 他們高興於有雨水可幫助作物生長 After the Rain Hsu ChuCheng After a shower of rain After a bath The leaves of trees and grasses are greener The glass and walls of the building are brighter The breeze blows gently To send coolness While shaking off raindrops on leaves Now sultriness has fled away in panic The birds joyfully Are flying, singing The insects are also singing Who is the most joyful? Perhaps the farmer in the countryside! They are glad to see rainwater nourishing crops Only they are hidden in my childhood dream 2015/2/8世界詩人 The World Poets Quarterly 2015/2/8 |
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