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2015/02/20 13:11:45瀏覽191|回應0|推薦13 | |
這些芒果樹 許其正 從稚嫩的幼苗逐漸成長 直到今天這壯碩的樣態 這些芒果樹,無懼於 強風驟雨的擊打 污濁空氣的侵襲 已經枝繁葉茂,果實累累了 都賴根鬚深入沃土 吸取養分,挺立不搖 又加陽光和水分不停的撐持 當然,最重要的是 種植者心血的挹注 乃有這大自然的循環果報 在這果子成熟的夏秋之際 種植者有福了 一顆顆飽熟碩大的果實 以其微酸香甜 將花綻開在他們的臉上 將喜悅盈滿在他們的心中 香甜是正味,微酸也是正味 兩者都是辛苦所得 都是果實對種植者的報償 也是造物對種植者的恩賜 畢竟這是辛苦種植的結果 血汗凝成的晶亮珠顆 These Mango Trees Hsu ChiCheng Growing from a young seedling Into the present status of embonpoint These mango trees, unafraid Of lashing of winds and rains Invasion of foul air Has been flourishing with luxuriant foliage, laden with fruit The roots grow deep into the earth To absorb nutrient, standing straight Plus the endless support from sunshine and moisture Of course, what is the most important Is the meticulous care taken by the planter Hence the cycling reciprocation of the nature Between summer and autumn when the fruit is to ripen The planter is blessed One after another ripe and round fruit With their acidness and sweetness Are to blossom on their faces To fill their heart with joy Sweetness is a flavor, acidness is also a flavor Both are fruit from toil and moil Are recompense to the planter by the fruit Also a favor to the planter by the Creator After all this is the fruit of hard labor Brilliant grains of sweat |
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