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2015/02/18 08:26:33瀏覽273|回應2|推薦13 | |
柳條長長 柳條長長,柳條細細 在風雨日曬中垂著 在風雨日曬中飄著 柳條長長,柳條細細 從岸邊垂向湖面 在湖面激起一圈圈漣漪 柳條長長,柳條細細 當風起,它們飄得更遠 探向西湖?還是密西根湖? 柳條長長,柳條細細 是細致柔嫩的手 也是滾燙炙熱的情絲 柳條長長,柳條細細 把和平繁榮的福音 撒遍整個宇域! 柳條長長,柳條細細 在風雨日曬中垂著 在風雨日曬中飄著 Thin and Slender Drooping in winds and rains and sunning Wafting in winds and rains and sunning From bank to lake surface Bringing ripples and dimples in the lake When the wind rises, they waft afar Toward the Hands fine and tender And filaments of warm feelings To spread gospel of peace and prosperity Throughout the whole universe! Drooping in winds and rains and sunning Wafting in winds and rains and sunning |
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