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2020/04/21 07:56:34瀏覽7220|回應0|推薦58 | |
作者:許其正 更新: 2020-04-20 12:27 PM 大紀元時報文學世界 船傾斜擺盪著。 一波海浪洶湧地衝擊過來。轟然一聲,船身被衝擊得向一邊傾斜。白色浪花四濺。 船上乘客不少。他們大部分已經暈船暈得不能動彈了,吐得到處狼藉不堪,有的甚至連膽汁都吐出來了。隨著船身傾斜,他們順勢向一邊傾動著,然後慢慢又回復回來……。 一波海浪又洶湧地衝擊過來……。 那颱風暴風圈相當大,風又大,雨又急驟。現在雖然已經快過了;但是它來時,帶來的大風和驟雨,卻造成了許多災害:陸地上是樹倒枝折幹斷,許多建築屋頂不牢的都被吹颳而去,海上是波濤洶湧,船傾桅斷,甚至有被沉沒的……。 這艘船便是受害者之一。 這是一艘客船。當這個颱風來襲的時候,它正在外海,不幸馬達壞了,修復不了,趕不回海港避風,只得一邊發出求救信號,一邊任它在海上漂盪了。 更不幸的是,「福無雙至,禍不單行」,船被風吹襲,波濤推擠,不能自我控制,到處漂盪的結果,撞上了暗礁,船底破了,水流進船艙了。 水漸流漸多,漸流漸多……。 沒有多久,船傾斜了。 當危急之際,救援船適時來到。它冒著狂暴的風雨,在洶湧的波濤中,勇敢前來救援,船身也是不住地傾斜擺盪著……。 這客船卻繼續不住地傾斜擺盪著,而且更加嚴重……。 客船上起了一陣歡呼。是絕處逢生!是死裡逃生!有救了! 船長下令,準備換搭救援船,放棄客船。 船客們到處奔逐著,推擠著,紛紛換搭救援船。大家要逃命呀!爭先恐後是必然的。先一步上救援船的,可能可以獲得保全性命,慢一步上不了救援船的,很可能就要葬身海底了。 船上工作人員在船長的指揮下,幫忙船客們從客船換搭救援船。 客船上的人,一個個搭上救援船,包括船客、船上工作人員,最後一個搭上的是船長。 這時,客船已經傾斜得很厲害,很有一下子沉入海底之虞。 當救援船才開走,離開客船,突然有人喊叫了起來:「看!那船上好像還有人!」 他這一喊叫,引起了大家的注意,紛紛轉身往客船上看過去。 果然有一個人影。是一名暈船暈得不能動彈的吧!大家急著逃命,把他疏忽了的吧!現在,大家都走了,他為了逃命,拚命爬起來了。 「停下來!救他!」客船的船長走向救援船的船長,提出請求。 「客船就要沉了。不能耽擱了。再耽擱,我們會被波及,可能全部都逃不了。船沉沒時渦旋的力量很驚人,你是知道的。」 救援船的船長提出異議,大家也隨聲附和。事實上,情勢真的很危急了,再回過頭去救,可能大家都要淪為波臣;可是客船船長仍然堅持著:「要救!我是那艘船的船長。我要負責船上每一個人的安全;不然,我就不能離開船。」 救援船的船長不予理會,下令繼續把救援船開走。他不是見死不救。他的理由是,寧可犧牲一個人,不能大家都葬身海底,同歸於盡。 客船的船長沒辦法,急奔到船邊,撲通一聲,躍入海裡,在洶湧的波濤中游向客船;可是躍入海裡過沒幾分鐘,他便被洶湧的波濤所淹沒,再也見不到他的身影了……。 The Death of the Captain Hsu ChiCheng The ship inclines and sways to and fro… The spray rushes a wave after a wave with waters raging. With a sound of boom, the hull of the ship inclines toward one side. The white spray splashed in all directions. There quite a lot of passenger. Half of them are ship sickness into motiveless, in a dreadful predicament, someone even spits out the bile. They roll to one side according to the incline of the hull, and then reverse slowly… A wave of spray with water raging rushes again… It’s quite a big the circle of the typhoon, the wind is strong, the rain is hasty. Although the typhoon is nearly gone now, but it brought strong wind and hasty rain while it come, and caused certain calamities: on the land, the trees fell down and the bough and twig are broken, many tops of the buildings which are not firmed blown by the wind, and there are raging of the spray on the sea, the ship is inclined and the mast is broken, even some are submerged. This ship is one of the victim. This is a passenger ship. It’s on the open sea while the typhoon is come, and unfortunately the motor is out of order, can’t repair immediately, to back to the harbour to be sheltered in time, just to set off the message for help, and let it to floating on the sea. Farther more unfortunately, “No double the lucky, misfortunes never come singly”, for blown by the wind, pushed by the breakers, the ship can’t control itself, the result of floating, it bumped into the submerged reef, the bottom of the ship is broken, the water flowing into the cabin. The water flowing more slowly, flowing more slowly… By and by, the ship is inclined. In this time of critical situation, the ship for help arrived in time. It took risks against the wild wind and rain, amongst the surging wave, to save them bravely. The passenger ship inclines and sways incessantly, and more seriously… There is a piece of hail on the passenger ship. It’s rescued from desperate situation! It’s a narrow escape! The captain set out an order, all prepare to take on the ship for help, and give up passenger ship. The passengers run everywhere, pushing and squeezing, all sorts of them change to get on the ship for help. Flee for their life! Strive to be the first and fear to lag behind is necessary. Whoever takes on the ship first will be saved, whoever doesn’t take on the ship may be buried in the bottom of the sea. The staffs help the passengers to change to get on the ship for help under conduction of the captain. Every one takes on the ship one by one, encloses the passengers, staffs, the captain is the last one to get on. At that time, the ship is more and more incline, it’s quite a doubt to sink into the bottom of the sea immediately. As soon as the ship for help sets off to depart the passenger ship, there is someone shout out: “Lo! It seems there is someone still stays on the ship!” It rouses the attention of all, all sorts of them turn to look onto the passenger ship. It’s truly there is someone stays on the passenger ship. May he is ship sickness into motiveless! May all oversight of him for they are hurry in escape! Now, all are gone, he makes a desperate fight to arouse for escape. “Stop! We must save him!” The captain of the passenger ship goes toward the captain of the ship for help, and asks him. “The passenger ship will sink soon. We can’t delay. If delay, we will be affected, may we all can’t escape! You know the power of the whirlpool when the ship sunk will be very surprised.” The captain of the ship for help offers the objection, all are echo. In fact, the situation is very urgent, may all will be drowned if return to save him: but the captain of the passenger ship insists still: “Save! I’m the captain of that ship. I’m responsible to every body on the ship; or I can’t depart the ship.” The captain of the ship for help pays no attention to him, sets order to set off the ship for help. He is not dismayed at the prospect of death. His reason is: would rather to sacrifice one, can’t let all of them to be buried into the bottom of the sea, and perish together. The captain of the passenger ship is unable to find a way out, he runs to the edge of the ship, pit-a pat, jumps into the sea, swims toward the passenger ship in the surging wave; however, not after he jumps into the sea a few minute, he is covered by the surging wave, disappears his figure…@ |
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