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2019/12/18 07:43:28瀏覽2285|回應1|推薦49 | |
作者:許其正 更新: 2019-12-16 11:10 PM 大紀元時報文學世界 拾揀貝殼,不等如拾黃金,揀珍珠寶貝? 在海灘上,走過來又走過去,逡巡著,尋找著,拾揀著……。 或許貝殼的價值不大,但那種拾揀的喜悅,比獲得黃金或珍珠寶貝更超踰幾千幾萬倍。 是的,一枚枚貝殼便是一團團喜悅。 不管是什麼形狀的,不論是大是小,那種精細玲瓏,便殊堪玩味,頗值拾揀! 拾揀呀!拾揀那海的耳朵,回去再靠著它們細聽海的吟唱,海的濤語。 拾揀呀!忘去所有的俗務,揮掉所有的塵念,全心全意地,即使汗流浹背又如何?即使被人譏為呆瓜又何妨?全心全意便是一種美! Collect Shell Hsu ChiCheng Does collect the shell isn’t equal to collect the gold, gather the gem? Walk here and there, on the sea beach, patrolling, searching, collecting… May it be not very vulture of the shell, but the joy of the collection is overstepped to obtain the gold or pearl thousand even ten thousand times. Yes, a piece and a piece of shell are a ball and a ball of joy. No matter it is what kind of form, is big or small, fine and sharp, is value for appreciate, value to collect! Collect it! Collect the ear of the sea, to hear the claim of the sea and the word of the surge closely. Collect it! Forget all vulgar, wipe off the common thought, collect with whole heart, even streaming with sweat? Even to be jeer to be stupid? Do whole the thing with whole heart is beautiful! @ |
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