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2019/11/11 08:10:38瀏覽4118|回應1|推薦61 | |
更新: 2019-11-11 12:34 AM 大紀元時報文學世界 聳然屹立海邊,在一定的時刻,發出一定的閃光,燈塔,它是航海者的指路標。 當夜晚,當風雨如晦,當霧濃濛昧,它便發出明亮的閃光,指引航海者,衝破難關,脫離困境,撥開迷濛,走向正途,不致迷失,或觸礁沉沒。 這一生中,我印象最深的燈塔有兩座,一在鵝鑾鼻,一在小琉球,前者屹立岸上,後 者屹立防波堤上,均發出極美的閃光,遠達廿浬以上,前者尤為高大,為以鋼筋水泥 建造,漆以白色,顯得潔淨突出,筆直典雅,雄偉穩健,高三五公尺四0公分,周圍 廿一公尺六0公分,高出水面一百零八公尺,為遠東的巨塔。 每次看見燈塔,便仿佛聽見它在呼喚: 航海者呀,把穩舵, 勇敢向前航, 不要迷失了你的方向! 無視於冬夏,無視於風吹雨淋日曬,燈塔聳然屹立海邊,以閃光的手指,指引航海者的航向。 燈塔,它傾盡自己所有的力量,發出閃光,指引別人,成全別人,是航海者的指路標 。而我心中也有一座燈塔聳然而屹立著,在發出極美的明亮閃光……。 The Lighthouse Hsu ChiCheng Towered aloft by the sea side, sends off regular flash of light on regular time, the light house, is the guidepost of the sailor. When it’s the night, wind and rain sweeping across a gloomy sky, or it’s barbaric in dense fog, it will send off the bright flash of light, guide the sailor to break through the difficulty, get rid of plight, dispel the dim, march toward to the right way, get no loss, or run into a submerged rock and sink. There are two light houses made me deepest imprint in my life, one is located in Eluanbi, the other is located in Liuqiu, the former stands erectly on the bank, the latter stands on the breakwater, they all send off extreme beautiful flash of light which attain over 20nautical miles, especially the former is the taller one, built with reinforced concrete, painted with white colour, appears neat and tidy and outstanding, straight and elegant, majestic and steady, 35metre 40centimetre of tall, around with 21metre 60centimetre, 108metre high above the water surface, is the great tower of far east. Every time I view the lighthouse, It seems I hear it summon: Oh sailor, hold tight the helm, Sail forward bravely, Don’t lose your orientation! In spite of winter or summer, in spite of wind and rain and sun, the light house stands erectly on the sea side, points the orientation to guide the sailor with its flashed finger. The light house, it exhausts its power, sends the flash of light, guides the others, helps others, is the guidepost of the sailor. And there is a light house tower aloft in my mind, sending out the extreme beautiful bright flash of light…@ |
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