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2019/11/07 08:05:14瀏覽3988|回應1|推薦58 | |
作者:許其正 更新: 2019-11-07 12:44 AM 大紀元時報文學世界 沒想到漁船的出航,會這樣快速。 看它們出航,確實是一件樂事。 裝有馬達的,這樣的漁船出航,我以前一直沒看過。看見海灘上放著一艘艘漁船,常常用手去撫摸,用眼去窺視;總以為它們沒什麼了不起。漁船就是漁船,用竹子編成的,甚至和竹排沒什麼不同。 漁人來了。他們已做好了準備工作,織好了漁網,備齊了釣竿和魚餌。他們把漁船合力推進水裡,猛然發動馬達,漁船像箭一般射出去,沒幾分鐘,它們已遠離海邊,開始捕魚。 漁船在海上捕魚。海是漁人的良田。他們以漁船為犁,犁起白色浪沫。只要努力耕耘,勤勞不輟,他們會有豐收。 啊,出航了,那些漁船! 且去冒險吧!去開創自己的大好前途! Set Out on a voyage Hsu ChiCheng I have not thought of that setting out a voyage is so quick. To see them to set out a voyage is a joyful thing. Set out on a voyage of a fish boat which install engine, I haven’t seen before still. One after another fish boat load on the beach, I often touch with my hands, to see with my eyes; always think it’s not any extraordinary. The fish boat is the fish boat, it’s weaved with bamboo, even it’s not any difference with bamboo raft. The fisherman comes. They are ready, weaved the net, all prepared the fishing rod and bait. They join force push the fish boat into the water, start the engine abruptly, the fish boat will shoot likes the arrow, need not a few minutes, they are far away the sea side, begin to catch fish. The fish boat catches fish on the sea. The sea is the fine field of the fisherman. They make the fish boat as a plow, plow the white spray foam. They will harvest just they till exert themselves, diligent ceaselessly. Ah, set out a voyage, these fish boat! To take chance! To open your great future! @ |
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