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2019/09/19 07:26:18瀏覽3687|回應2|推薦48 | |
作者:許其正 更新: 2019-09-19 12:07 AM 大紀元時文學世界 站在那裡發什麼呆? 因為階梯層層陡峭堆疊阻擋於前? 因為年紀已有千斤萬斤重? 因為身體已經白髮蒼蒼? 看見你每每發呆,遲疑不前 我都有感有悟於心 人活到這個時候都會碰到的情境 何獨你一人? 機能衰退? 骨質疏鬆? 走起路來,關節喃喃,低語委屈? 甚至哭哭啼啼? 趕走遲疑和畏懼,鼓起勇氣 莫遲疑!爬上去! 堅定信心,不屈不撓 你已走過很多路,爬過不少階梯了 註:每次碰到鄰居三樓吳先生要上樓梯時,多有遲疑,甚至畏懼,心不無所感。年紀一到,人人都會碰到的;其實也沒什麼好怕。鼓起勇氣,走呀!爬呀!到終點站就是 了。 Climb up Hsu ChiCheng What dumbstruck do you stand there for? Does it because there are layer after layer of step pile up before you to resist you? Or your year is weight thousands of kilogram? Or your body is full with white hair? I come to realize in my mind Every time I see you dumbstruck, hesitate to go forward Each person will meet this situation when he is grew to this time Let alone of you? Does it the function declined? Does it osteoporosis? Does it murmur the joint, whisper of feel wrong? Even weep and sniffle? Drive away the hesitate and dread, pluck up your courage Don’t hesitate! Climb up! Firm your confidence, dauntless You have walked many of roads, climbed many steps *Mr. wu, my neibour of 3Fl. are hesitate even fear when he climbed up the step every time I meet, I can’t have come to realize in my mind. Every body will meet when it’s in the year, in fact, it’s not to be fear. Pluck up your courage, go on, climb up! It’s just to the termination. @ |
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