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2018/04/09 07:31:40瀏覽5052|回應0|推薦52 | |
更新: 2018-04-08 3:08 AM 大紀元時報文學世界 「我敢說,泉聲一定是女的。」 「為什麼?」 「你沒聽到她們泠泠不絕?」 「有道理。」 「泉聲很柔和。」 「嗯。」 「泉聲會撫慰人,把人的煩躁、不安、惱怒、悲怨撫平。」 「好呀!還有呢?」 「從泉聲中可以聽到母性的叮嚀。」 「這是就聽覺方面來說的。就別的方面來說呢?」 「就嗅覺方面來說,從泉聲中可以嗅到女人的花粉香。」 「就視覺方面來說呢?」 「可以看到柔美的線條,柔滑的肌膚,親切的笑容……」 「還有呢?」 「總覺得她很柔順、慈祥,充滿關愛。」 「可是,這樣一個女性,每天住在山裡行嗎?」 「也沒有什麼不行啦!山是男性,配上泉聲這女性,正好呀!其實,她也不只住在山裡。」 1988年2月11日台灣日報副刊 The Sound of Spring Hsu ChiCheng “I dare to say, the sound of spring is surly the female.” “Why?” “Don’t you hear the sound lingling ceaselessly?” “It may be true.” “The sound is sweet.” “Haw.” “The sound will console someone, console the restless, uneasy, angry and sorrow into peace.” “Well! What’s the else?” “We can hear the enjoin of female.” “This is aspect of the sense of hearing, and what about other aspect?” “From sense of smell, we can snuff the scent of pollen of female.” “And, what about from aspect of sense of sight?” “We can see the sweet of string, soft of skin, cordial smile…” “And, what’s the else?” “We often feel it’s very soft, benign, fill with solicitude.” “But, is it all right if she lives in mountain every day?” “No thing about it! Mountain is male, matches with sound of female, just right! In fact, she doesn’t only live in mountain also.” @ |
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