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2018/03/16 06:54:13瀏覽3165|回應0|推薦47 | |
作者:許其正 更新: 2018-03-15 3:05 AM 大紀元時報文學世界 有一種篩子,古昔農家用得多,或在田裡,或在曬場,是用竹子編製而成的,用來篩稻穀、豆類等,使之以本來真面目,成為好糧食,不再被魚目混珠,不辨真偽。 另有一種篩子,在用到砂石的地方出現,譬如砂石廠,譬如建築工地,譬如河床,是用鐵絲編製而成的,所以篩選,給砂石分類,讓砂石分出粗細,依其品類、質地、用途,各自去擔負各自的職分,砌建樓房大廈。 再有一種篩子,在田野裡,在叢山中,是用樹木的葉子編製而成的,和樹葉同壽,用來篩風,篩雨,也篩陽光,篩風則樂音沙沙嗚嗚而響,篩雨和陽光則有顆顆真珠垂落成珠簾,珊然可愛。 還有一種篩子,在整個宇宙間,是用時間的細繩編製而成的,所以篩去腐朽不淨之物,不管是動物,是植物,是人類,留下來那些精純的,可以永垂不朽的,許是真理,許是美好的靈魂。 更有一種篩子,在每個人的心中,是用無形的絲線編製而成的,用來篩去思想、情緒和知識中的雜質、煩躁、膺品,留下精純、和平、真實。 篩子,不管是用什麼編製而成,不論是用來篩選什麼,總有許多綱目,是用來篩選的,以去偽存真。這是它們最大的用處。願篩子永存,並發揮它的大用! 1988年9月9日台灣日報副刊 The Sieve Hsu ChiCheng There is a kind of sieve, often used in the family in ancientness, may on the field, or on the buda banai, compiles with bamboo, for sift paddy, bean etc., makes it original face, becomes good grain, no more pass off fish eyes for pearls, can’t tell the difference. And there is another sieve, appears in the place where to sift the sand and stone, for instance, placer deposit, building field, riverbed, is made by barbed wire, for sift, classify the sand and stone, divide thick or thin, according to sort, quality, use, to bear their duty, build the tall building and big mansion. There is a sieve once more, on the open country, on the mountains, which made by the leaves of the tree, is the same longevity of the leaves, used for sieve wind, sieve rain, and also sieve sunshine, the song will sound rustle and whimper while it sieve the wind, and there will hang curtain of a grain and a grain of pearl while it sieve the rain and sunshine, great pretty. There is a sieve still, in the whole universe, which made by the thin silk yarn of time, used for sieve impurity, bothering, and forgery of thought, feeling and knowledge, retain pithy, peace and true. Sieve, no matter what material to make, no matter what thing is to be sieve, there always has many outlines, for use to sieve, in order to eliminate the false and remain the true. It’s the greatest roll. Wishing the sieve exist forever, and play the great roll of it! @ |
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