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2017/08/25 06:30:09瀏覽1887|回應0|推薦45 | |
作者:許其正 更新: 2017-08-24 3:45 AM 大紀元時報文學世界 「啊,好香呀!」 「這是桂花呀!」 這是誰的驚讚?可能是你的,可能是他的,也可能是我的,在秋天。 在秋天,桂花總給人們帶來許多芳香,許多舒適,許多驚喜和讚美。 是的,桂花總是在秋天開放的。 當眾多花草樹木枯萎凋零,卻只有桂花開放,而且其香無匹,多麼令人驚奇! 一朵朵小花,一粒粒米粒般大小,竟會有那麼大的力量,散放出芳香,而且其香無匹 ,多麼令人驚奇! 莫非所有養分都集中到這裡來了。莫非所有精力都儲放到這裡來了。 它是經過多少辛苦,多少磨練,凝聚多少內力,才造成如此美好的芳香的? 別以為嬌小,力量便不大。精練、凝聚才是重要的。只要能精練、凝聚,其力量是不 可小覷的。 「啊,好香呀!」 「桂花真香呀!」 精練吧!凝聚吧!精練、凝聚的工夫是多麼重要呀!精練、凝聚所得的便都是天地之間的精華了。 Sweet Olive Hsu ChiCheng “Wow, how sweet it is!” “It’s the sweet olive!” Is it whose praise? May it’s yours, it’s his, and it’s mine, in autumn. Yes. The sweet olive always opens in autumn. When all flower, grass and tree wither and is bared, only the sweet olive opens, its fragrant is unmatched, wonderful it is! One pretty flower after one pretty flower, like little rice, has thus a great power, sprays the sweet, and its fragrant is unmatched, how wonderful it is! Could it be that the nutrition are collected together there. Could it be that the power are stored there. How much toilsome, how much temper has it experienced, and how much inner power coagulation has it, made this fine fragrance as such? Don’t presume that it’s pretty, the power may little. Refine, coagulation is the most important thing. Just refine, coagulation, the power can’t ignore. “Wow, how sweet it is!” “It’s the sweet olive!” To refine! To coagulation! The work of refine and coagulation is very importance! The gain of refine and coagulation is the essence between heaven and earth. @ |
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