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Within You`ll Remain– Tokyo square
2010/05/01 21:06:12瀏覽148|回應0|推薦0

Facing the world with the empty heart 空虛的心面對這個世界
I could disappear into the dark 我就將要消失在黑消中
And you were the one who could make my dreams come true
My dear, it's you 親愛的 就是你
When you're not around 當你不在我身邊
My heart stood still 我的心停止跳動
Within you'll remain and always will 你將長留我心, 永遠

Illusion says there is another man 我的幻覺告訴我有個男人
who would interfere into my plan 會成為我們之間的第三者
我愛你, I love you
我愛你, I need you
More than I ever did anyone 遠超過我以前任何一位女友
I've never felt like this before 我從來不曾有這樣的感覺
我愛你, I want you
我愛你, I need you
We could be two lovers from the past 我們可以從過去就是一對戀人
And the future is our chance 而未來是掌握在我們手中

When you're not around 當你不在我身邊
My heart stood still 我的心停止跳動
Within you'll remain and always will 你將長留我心, 永遠
我愛你, I love you
我愛你, I need you
More than I ever did anyone 遠超過我以前任何一位女友
I've never felt like this before 我從來不曾有這樣的感覺
我愛你, I want you
我愛你, I need you
We could be two lovers from the past 我們可以從過去就是一對戀人
And the future is our chance 而未來是掌握在我們手中

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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