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2006/01/17 20:05:06瀏覽1129|回應2|推薦7


         經過了十年教改,如今國中生的英文考試卻仍一板一眼的停留在制式的標準問與答,讓人學得既無趣又痛苦,最後卻仍落得無法開口說的命運。 哀哉,當年我的英文是靠自己找到學習的方法,才突飛猛進的。學校的英文教學帶給我的只是一場永無止盡的夢魘....。


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四年三班的我 心有戚戚焉
2006/05/04 02:26

修過無數的英文課  還沒開過口和人用英文聊過天 直到來美前半年

請一位加拿大家教教小孩順便自己學 卻覺得這半年的學習認知膽識 比以前學生時代所學還要實用還要多 因為我開口了

小孩來美後 前兩個星期都哭著回家 因為聽不懂 不到一年不用中文回答你的問題

修過10個學分的日文 現在連ㄚ一屋ㄟO 還不知道怎麼寫

語言只是雙方溝通的工具 不要想的太複雜 你說的我懂 我說的你懂 就是這樣 發音不準其實也無大仿

學語言一定要生活化 自修學習也一定要開口發出音 決不能默記在心 否則要開口時一定打結

2006/01/18 01:59
I have taught Physics, Math, and English when I was at college. 

To me, the sad thing I observed was that even we believe the student learned better, but the parents were still not happy if the scores did not reflect.  All my students for more than two years usually do better in high school exams. Parents do not, or can not, or do not spend enough time to understand whether their children actually learn better, except from the scores.  But, if we ask ourselves honestly, the scores, at school, actually only reflect how well the students respond to the test/questions given by the teachers. So, the problem could be even better understood by asking:  How much we, or the teachers, really know?  They are just like us, going through the same education system, just that they decided to teach instead of doing other things.  They are supposed to develop the students not trying to teach them everything because a teacher can not teach everything.

Education is a long term business.  I don't believe there is an answer about what should be done.  However, I have to say, everyone needs to learn about himself.  Then learn more about their students and how to teach.  Scores are not important.  My best part of life was when I did horrible in college entrance exam, and ended up in a school where I was able to learn a lot more than just survive the exams. 

I like my teaching career best, in swimming.  I can tell the children are happy, and they treat me as a friend, not a teacher, or coach.  Among all the students, they are the only one I still keep in touch with.