沉默是金 |
2008/12/11 10:11 |
我家也有藍綠戰爭 所以一直拿這四個字來警誡自己 家有學齡兒 "台灣政治" 真的是限制級的 18 歲以下 勿視 勿聽
California Sunshine(carolhwl) 於 2008-12-11 13:34 回覆: |
亂源 |
2008/11/30 22:51 |
痛心,這個暴力政黨根本是台灣的亂源! 朋友給了「牠們」一個封號:上台搞貪腐,下台搞暴力。 真不知道應該讓「牠們」上台?還是下台? 我看應該讓「牠們」消失,重新建立一個理性的反對黨!
California Sunshine(carolhwl) 於 2008-12-01 00:58 回覆: |
Me too !! |
2008/11/24 13:24 |
Dear Carol !! I totally agree with you, it's really hard to explain to the kids, I don't have kid but there are 8 kids in our family, I am also responsible to educate them as well ... They are too little to watch any news on TV now .. Anyways, I knew this was coming before the the presidential election but my heart is hurting like yours as I am still in Taiwan, and I have never want to leave my family .... Anyways, 謝謝妳的文章推薦, 請看點我寫的溫馨小品小作 2 篇, 希望你會喜歡, 人間處處有溫情的 ! http://blog.udn.com/Jessica6040/2376017 http://blog.udn.com/Jessica6040/2380150 Nice day
California Sunshine(carolhwl) 於 2008-11-25 06:25 回覆: |
It gets harder and harder to teach our future generation the true value because there are too many negative information and bad influences around. However, there's still hope as long as we don't give up... I sure will visit your blog again and read more of your posts. Thanks for stopping by!
唾棄暴力! |
2008/11/22 22:23 |
無論理由多正當, 挾暴力解決問題, 就是瘋狂的舉動, 該被譴責與唾棄!
California Sunshine(carolhwl) 於 2008-11-23 02:36 回覆: |
hey |
2008/11/20 00:44 |
don't say the "last" word to me....that breaks my heart...hahahahhaaaaaa yes, i did delete a post. In that post, I repeatedly said it was not specific to anyone at all and I didn't mention anyone at all. I made very very best effort to make my writing very generic. I even had to add a note saying "this is a general comment" or something like that. But you were still bugging that it was specific to you. Oh my.......I was so ....well...... Later on, my friend, Dr. asked to "let it go - bah". he also said "she is just a sweet sister". Therefore, I removed that post to respond to Dr.
謝謝你的來訪, 我為你又寫了下列文章, 請您來賜教批評:
wait |
2008/11/19 03:34 |
wait....where did I say thing like that about you in my blog? You are confusing me! I would NEVER do that. Could you please show me where I wrote those comments?
謝謝你的來訪, 我為你又寫了下列文章, 請您來賜教批評:
California Sunshine(carolhwl) 於 2008-11-19 12:31 回覆: |
You should have known better than me, it's your own blog, your own writings. I'm not surprised If you deny them all because you've deleted THOSE responses of yours in my post. Whatever you say, just stop this meaningless arguing. These are my last words to you.
cool (part 2) |
2008/11/17 01:11 |
(3 minutes later, I continued to write the following....hahhahaha I had wait for 3 minutes....what the hell!) ---------------------------------------------------- Today, there are way too many so-called "commentators" on TV talks shows and newspapers. You know what? many many (if not all) of them were news reporters. Sure, there is a clear cut between reporters and commentators (as you said in your reply), but i sometimes am very very shocked by their comments. And that makes me imagaine when they were still "onlone" activiely reporting news, how could they obey those 10 disciplines taught in school. Even worse, those gals/guys were professionally educated from the elite schools like NCCU (yours) or FZU. I respect your own opinion. I respect true journalist too. (well, just a small note: respect doesn't mean agree. Also, disagreement doesn't necessarily lead to upset and then lead to any black-listing. Hahahahahahhahaha) hahahahahahahhhhahahahahahahahahaaaaa thanks for not blocking me......hahhahahhaaa
謝謝你的來訪, 我為你又寫了下列文章, 請您來賜教批評:
California Sunshine(carolhwl) 於 2008-11-19 01:23 回覆: |
對於那些所謂的「名嘴」,坦白說,我是覺得以記者身份在評論節目中大放厥詞,是極為不妥的。至於什麼學校畢業、是不是受過專業訓練,跟一個人的「程度」沒有必然關係。台大法律畢業的,不見得就不會知法犯法,因此新聞系畢業的,無法自我約束遵守新聞道德的,當然也大有人在。 您說respect doesn't mean agree,我完全同意,不過說這樣話的您,似乎從來沒有對他人顯示過respect?在不同意見之外,總要夾槍帶棒的損人一番,這樣算是respect嗎?在自己的blog發表對我的人身攻擊(泛政治化、偏頗的前記者),恐怕您是忘記了吧? 「disagreement doesn't necessarily lead to upset and then lead to any black-listing」,這又是一句顛倒是非的話。我不知道您是不是故意裝傻,不知道我想黑您不是因為您的disagreement,而是您對我的insult?(您刪了自己在此的回應,why?) 我不怕辯論,但很討厭抬槓;不同意見可以討論,但絕不接受不實指控。 如果您不承認自己寫過的文字,那我覺得也沒什麼可說的了,言盡於此,君子自重。
cool (part 1) |
2008/11/17 01:05 |
thanks for the full answer. of course, I understand you express your "own" opinion here, not as a news reporter. That's why I asked "if you WERE still an active news reporter"...so, no misunderstanding here. also, of course, I know you didn't block me "yet". That's what I was begging for you not to. Hahahhaaa....otherwise, I wouldn't be able to type anything. now, back to professional training of journalism. I remembered looooooooooooooooooong time ago, I used to read an article by former chairman (?) (Prof. Wang D.J.) of Journalism Department of NCCU (your alma mater) talking about "10 disciplines" of a journalist. I was totally touched and almost crying when I read those 10 disciplines. I then had 99999% respect to true professional journalists. That was when I was 14 years old. Back then I thought there is a so-called "neutralism". Neutralism, when I was 14 years old, is my misperception about "law profession" and "journlism" profession". Hahahahahaaa...In summary, I used to have a very HIGH standard & (respect) for those two professions due the ideal neutralism. Hahahahaha....... When I grew up, I realized I was way toooooooooooooooooooooooo naive. I have zero explorsure to the law profession, therefore, not much comment to law profession. However, I read newspaper and watch talks TV. Oh man, .....my heart is broken! My ideal neutralism fades away. I was too naive.....I was crying again.....hahahhaaaa.................and that's part of reasons I came to this UDN to comment to many news reports. As you may see, I have had 1600+ posts in UDN. Probablly 1550 posts are related to news reports and my comments. I often times "f******ked" (ooops, should I say, critisize?) those news and reporters in my writings. That's why. (to be conituned)
謝謝你的來訪, 我為你又寫了下列文章, 請您來賜教批評:
不合邏輯 |
2008/11/15 15:03 |
我問綠色的 "朋友": "共產党有來過台灣拉男人作軍伕?來過台灣拉過女人作慰安婦嗎?日本國會議員來,有台灣子弟替自己的祖公祖母出來示威討公道嗎?" 台灣這麼小,彼此互咬互吞,直到勢弱待併. 我想到時有個方案,找條緯線將這島分成北台和南台,如同北韓和南韓. 北台如香港成為東亞貿易中心,南台如澳門成為日本殖民地,緯線二端各有哨崗,憑簽証過南北,拿I-20(學生簽証)唸書,憑工作証才能過緯線來工作,也許大家能在 "國際"規格的會議桌上,學習尊重 "人", 簽下南台北台的貿易協定,和文化政治交流的共識. 這樣,南北不合,就彼此軍隊相對,如南北韓,一個是只有君富全民窮,另一個是經貿龍虎,全民安康,接下去就等著有人 "投誠",或許這個島國之民,可圖個理念相同的居家之地!
What I am is God's gift to me; what I will become is my gift to God. |
California Sunshine(carolhwl) 於 2008-11-19 05:44 回覆: |
hahahahhahaaaa |
2008/11/14 11:06 |
hey, Carol, are you still going to black-list me from your blog? I beg you not to...because this time I will say something nice....hahhahahahahaaaaaa First of all, no violence. Period! Second of all, one question for you: if you were still active as a news reporter, how would you report this incident? (I am worried because you could block me, if I say anything stupid here. hahahahahahaa)
謝謝你的來訪, 我為你又寫了下列文章, 請您來賜教批評:
California Sunshine(carolhwl) 於 2008-11-16 21:09 回覆: |
Mr. Wiseman, if I were to block you, you wouldn't be able to leave the message here, would you? As to your question, I guess I'll do what a reporter should do as I always did -- to tell the truth. A reporter is just a "story teller", not commentator. Being educated as a journalist, I strongly believed in it. You might think I was(and still am?) biased, well, the articles I posted here are my personal opioions, not news reports. There are big differences between the two, you should know. Beside, if people view things with their own opinions in mind, whatever you say will always be "biased". I hope I somewhat answered your question.