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治失眠良方 Methods That Can Help You Sleep Fast
2012/06/21 10:38:50瀏覽384|回應0|推薦1
5。睡前先躺在硬地上﹐用硬枕頭 (或厚書)。放鬆身心﹑閉眼做深呼吸五分鐘。然 後躺在床上仰臥繼續做深呼吸。當進入鬆靜安寧狀態時﹐轉向平時最舒服自然的睡姿﹐就立刻入睡了。
按摩足脛骨內緣(距離內踝骨上六橫指)的安眠穴。 (見右圖)
11。 按摩手中穴道 中衝﹑內關和手三里。請參閱
手穴位按摩 篇。
12。 按摩以下穴道每穴36下(每9下稍停為一次﹐共做四次﹔手腳左右皆按)﹕
(頭)﹕ 百會﹐ (手)﹕ 神門﹑內關﹐和 (腳)﹕ 太衝﹑三陰交﹑足三里。

Methods That Can Help You Sleep Fast
In common practice, there are many ways to deal with sleeplessness. You must have heard or tried some methods when you have trouble falling asleep at night. Here are some effective methods which have helped many people. You need to try them in order to find out their effectiveness. Hopefully there is one that works for you.

1. Do these steps prior to going to bed: clench your fists, then slowly release them. Shake loose your hands. Repeat steps several times. Relax your mind, then go to bed. You will easily fall asleep.

2. Rub and pull your fingers one by one with two fingers from the other hand until the fingers are relatively warm. Switch hands to work on other fingers. This can stabilize your emotion and have slight hypnotizing effect to put you to sleep.

3. Soak feet before going to bed with warm water for ten minutes to dredge the blood flow in order to let you fall asleep easier.

4. Free up all the distracting matters from you mind and pray sincerely. If you are not religious, you can count numbers instead.

5. Before going to bed, lie down on a hard floor (e.g., wood, tiles, etc.) with a hard block as a pillow (or thick books). Relax yourself, close your eyes and take deep breaths slowly for five minutes or more. Then lie down on bed on your back and continue with eyes closed, deep breaths and relaxation. When you are in a state of peace, shift to your usual, comfortable sleeping position. You will fall asleep immediately.

6. Drink a glass of apple juice with one teaspoon of honey before going to bed.

7. Drink a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of vinegar before going to bed.

8. Drink a glass of milk before going to bed.

9. Drink a glass of sweetened water before bed. This is to promote a large amount of serotonin which can generate a sense of drowsiness.

10. In treating insomnia, three acupuncture points are effective. (see diagram above)
i) the "hypnotic" point (about 5 inches above the inner ankle along the margin of the tibia); massage 1-2 minutes each side.
ii) the "spring opening" point (mid-point between the inner ankle and heel); massage 1-2 minutes each side.
iii) the "insomnia" point (deep inside the center the heel); hit 100 times each side with a health mallet (a small wooden hammer)..

11. Massage acupuncture points in your hands. To solve the sleeplessness problem, massage two points in your hands can be effective: i) "Chungchung" on the middle finger, ii) "neikuan" on the forearm below the wrist (
see diagram) on "Acupressure Applications". In addition, massaging the "three mile" point on the forearm is also helpful. Massage each point gently before going to bed.

12. Massage each of the following acupuncture points 36 times (in 4 groups of 9, briefly pause after each group):
Head: Baihui (top of the head)
Hand (left and right): Shenmen, Neikuan
Feet (left and right): Taichong, Sanyinjiao and "3-miles" point on the leg.
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