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2010/06/28 19:08:47瀏覽756|回應11|推薦49 | |
社區每個月發行 News Letter,介紹區裡的大小事。 夏天到了,各種野生動物陸續露臉。 編輯也和我同步,每期刊登當季戶外生態動象。 這一期介紹的是 ~~~ Wood Stork (鸛) Wood Storks are very common in the Tampa Bay area and are a large, white-bodied wader, with a black tail, black on wingtips and trailing edges, black legs with pink feet, and a dark, featherless head capped with a lighter horny plate. Wood Stork colonies are still scattered widely throughout Florida. The largest colonies are in south Florida, at National Audubon's Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, and Everglades National Park. Wood Storks require concentrations of fish in shallow water where they "grope-feed" with their bill partly open until prey contact is made. Two to four white eggs are laid in bulky stick nests in cypress trees or mangroves in April or May. 瞧瞧長相:頭上無毛,有肉冠,長腿,粉紅腳掌
還看到,白色身體,翅膀尾端是黑色 四、五月生下鳥蛋,通常可蜉出二至四小鸛 以上是 News Letter 的介紹。 我呢,比較庶民。 拍到的是,老在我們小區出沒的伴兒。 有時一隻,有時一對,還看到三隻一塊兒在人家草地 上閒逛的。 它們簡直不怕人到極點。 知道我在拍照,也不閃躲,還走到我面前擺 Pose. 鄰居告訴我:【I feed them some time.】 原來,有奶便是娘。 偶爾可以看到它們,走到門邊,等著人家餵食呢!
各位,有否覺得 這些與人共居的動物,如此備受居民的愛護 它們是不是 前世修來的福份!? |
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