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2010/07/01 12:51:58瀏覽703|回應1|推薦52 | |
社區五、六月的當令之鳥 是 Great White Egret﹝白蒼鷺﹞。 它是一種四十英寸高的大白鷺,身上雪白的羽毛,非常具有特色。 在1900年代前後,歐美時尚界,颳起一陣【Feather Fever】。 很多時尚業者,紛紛高價雇人到佛羅里達州捕殺熱帶鳥類。 為了取得美麗羽毛,所有 Heron 和 Great Egret,幾乎滅絕。 還好,政府即時立法,禁止捕殺,才讓它們,重獲生機。 News Letter 上說: The Great Egret is a white heron and is a methodical,stalking hunter, seeking its prey in shallow wetlands such as salt marshes and shallow lakes. Great Egrets are very common in Tampabay and are building their nests and seeking mates this time of year. They stand about 40-inches tall, with long black legs and yellow bills. Breeding birds possess striking green flesh parts around the eyes, and long flowing plumes, called aigrettes. They usually nest with large numbers of other wading birds and lay 3 to 4 light blue eggs which usually hatch in May or June. 瞧瞧,這長腿,黑腳有黃嘴的白鷺鳥 看清楚點,就是這一身美麗的羽毛,那麼招人愛 每年五、六月間,開始撫育下一代 接著,就常在湖濱,溪澗看到它們自在的覓食。 我曾經拿著傻瓜相機,在很多個早晨,搶拍它們 在湖邊潛行,捕捉魚蟲的鏡頭:
鳥兒有知 這些照片 將為你們在這世界的一個角落 自在的活著 做了見證。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 你們 我們 何其幸運 相逢在這裡!!
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