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摩托車日記-Che Guevera的連想
2006/03/10 17:22:08瀏覽1217|回應2|推薦16

Aug. 8, 1960時代週刊報導封面

親身?實影象-古巴革命的領導人Ernesto Guevara
Cuban revolutionary leader Ernesto Che Guevara at Havana airport in 1962

影片 : Carnets de Voyage (Diaros de Motocicleta)

這是一部描寫Guevara,如何從一位單純富愛心的平凡大學生,經過旅行的見識與體驗而銳變成一位追求社會公平,有大愛理想的革命者.... 他不僅是受景仰的南美洲英雄,更是60年代的世界青年偶象.

醫科未畢業的阿根庭青年Ernesto Guevara (西班牙影星Gael Garcia Bernal 飾演) 和 已是執業的好友醫生Alberto Granado (Rodrigo De la Serna 飾演) 兩個搭檔,同駕一輛中古摩多車為實現旅行的夢想而旅行. 歷盡風吹日曬,夏雨冬雪. 奔波跑過南美洲一個又一個的村莊、城鎮、國家.不僅見識了預期中的大自然山川瑰麗,並也嚐盡了貧富懸殊的不公政治制度及人性的醜惡與疾苦....

這部電影是B返臺前的十月中旬看的.....對Guevara的為人及其大愛精神非常的感動. 小我與大我的選擇,不為血緣民族、不懼權勢...,只想替貧困的下層階?m大眾,尋找一個能安居樂業、較公平的社會環境.

Che Guevara 英文傳記簡介請參考: Time http://www.time.com/time/time100/heroes/profile/guevara02.html


製片: Robert Redford
導演: Walter Salles -Biographie

Through this film, B started to be curious about el Che, read books about him, and also by chance watched a documentary of him on TV.

BornJune 14, 1928
Rosario, Argentina
DiedOctober 9, 1967
La Higuera, Bolivia


Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (June 14, 1928[›] – October 9, 1967), commonly known as Che Guevara or el Che, was an Argentine-born Marxist revolutionary, politician, and Cuban guerrilla leader. As a young man, Guevara studied medicine and traveled "rough" throughout Latin America, activities that brought him into direct contact with the poverty in which many lived. Through these experiences he became convinced that only revolution could remedy the region's economic inequality, leading him to study Marxism and become involved in Guatemala's social revolution under President Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán.

Later, Guevara became a member of Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement that seized power in Cuba in 1959. After serving in various important posts in the new government and writing a number of articles and books on the theory and practice of guerrilla warfare, Guevara left Cuba in 1965 with the intention of fomenting revolutions first in the Congo-Kinshasa (later named the Democratic Republic of the Congo) and then in Bolivia, where he was captured in a CIA-organized military operation. Guevara died at the hands of the Bolivian Army in La Higuera near Vallegrande on October 9, 1967. Participants in and witnesses to the events of his final hours testify that his captors summarily executed him, perhaps to avoid a public trial followed by imprisonment in Bolivia.

After his death, Guevara became an icon of socialist revolutionary movements worldwide. An Alberto Korda photo of Guevara (right) has received wide distribution and modification, and has been called "the most famous photograph in the world and a symbol of the 20th century.  


最新一期(March13, 2006)- Time Europe時代周刊有兩則讀者有關二月份(Feb.13)- 主題The Secrets of Ambition的投書回應.  B認同所謂的成功? 應該是有野心貢獻自己, 讓這個世界更加美好; 而不只是個人的財富與名譽上的成就.  社會改革是長期堅持的玩命理想; 凡人如我, 只期待自己能秉持身為人該有的良知, 活好自己善待周遭人群. 除了不增加社會或別人的負擔外; 可能的話再由善緣的分享, 讓生活的本身成為一種愉悅的良性循環.

The Secrets of Ambition - A surpriseing look at what separates life's go-getters from its also-rans.       by Jeffrey Kluger

The article about how the will to succeed is affected by genes, gender, privilege and persistence sparked a lively debate among readers who appreciated the broad deversity of the people we profiled and readers who rejected wealth and fame as the most important indicators of a fulfilled life.

This report showed that ambitious people are limited not by birthplace or skin color but only by the size of their dreams.     by Chijindu Nworgu

THE PREMISE THAT AMBITION IS THE "Need to grab an ever bigger piece of the resource pie before someone else gets it" confuses ambition with greed and cutthroat competitiveness. Nature may be a zero-sum game, but civilization is not. Ambitious people don't just grab a bigger piece of the pie; they also make the pie bigger so that there's more to go around. Ambitious people brought us the printing press, personal computer, medical advances and agrecultural efficiencies undreamed of 100 years ago.                                              Mary Jacobs - Dallas

Time provided a fascination analysis of why and how some of us have that inner fire of ambition while others do not. The article may drive some readers to ask: Am I or can I be successful in my career? Sometimes we need a push to leave what we are doing and find something that we can be more successful at. But a focus on individual ambition and financial success is not healthy. If we ignore civility and empathy, we only exacerbate social decay. Our role models should be those whose ambition and success brought about the betterment of the whole cociaty, not just themselves.                                                   Rober Pitts - CA

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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2006/08/23 23:25

是的, Che Guevara 被視為代表社會正義的象徵, 也令熱血青年崇拜嚮往的革命浪漫英雄.  但歷史上已經見證馬克思的理想經過瘋狂地大破大立實驗, 留下慘痛失敗的結果. 廣大人民照樣窮困無依. 目前南美政治社會多的是美麗的口號, 但不見任何公平清明實際意義. 古巴也是一個隨時可破的泡泡.

el che 屬於60年代, 也留在60年代.

2006/03/11 20:55

