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Just do it - 歐普拉( Oprah Winfrey)
2006/08/31 17:09:41瀏覽1052|回應0|推薦0

Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best for the next moment.


You can have it all,. You just can’t have it all at once.


- Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah Winfrey. Best Known As: Host of TV's Oprah

Orpah Winfrey is the most successful female talk show host in American TV history.

She dropped out in 1972 during her sophomore year to become an anchor at Nashville's WTVF-TV. She was the first black woman to hold that position.

In 1976, she moved to WJZ-TV and after a stint[u1]  as a reporter was promoted to co-anchor. Two years after her arrival, Winfrey was slotted[u2]  (with some trepidation[u3]  by producers who weren't sure how audiences would respond to a host who was neither white nor thin) to host their talk show People Are Talking.

In 1986 she launched The Oprah Winfrey Show[u4] , a TV talk show which featured celebrity interviews and discussions of social issues. Oprah Winfrey rose from poverty and a troubled youth to become the most powerful and influential woman in television and, according to Forbes Magazine, the world's most highly paid entertainer. The show was a smash[u5]  hit and within a decade she was one of the richest women in the United States.

 [u1]Stint KK: [ ]n. vt. 節省;吝惜;限制;停止;分配的工作;工作期限

I have to stint myself of food.我得限制自己的食量。

 [u2]Slot KK: [ ]

n. 狹長孔;狹縫;(自動販賣機等的)投幣口




【美】【口】把...納入序列(或名單); 佔有位置(或職位);被安排入a job traditionally slotted for blacks向來專供黑人做的工作

 [u3]trepidation KK: [ ]n.驚恐,慌張,不安

I waited for the results in a state of some trepidation.我有些惶恐不安地等待著結果。



 [u5]smash a.【口】轟動一時的,極為成功的

The play had its smash premiere.那齣戲首場演出引起了極大的轟動。

vi.碎裂The cup dropped on the floor and smashed into pieces.


破產;瓦解,垮掉Many small businesses smashed up during the slump.





- 美國電視脫口秀主持人 Oprah Winfrey

美國《富比士》財經雜誌「2005年度百位名人權力排行榜」(Celebrity 100)名單中,歐普拉·溫弗莉(Oprah Winfrey)由去年的第三名躍居榜首,高爾夫球名將老虎伍茲及澳大利亞導演明星梅爾吉勃遜則分列第二、三名。  

1954年出生於密西西比黑人農家的歐普拉,曾經歷過貧窮的童年、不甚順遂的青少年和力爭上游的青年時期;早年進入地方電視台播報新聞,成為美國史上首位黑人女性新聞播報員。1984年,在芝加哥電視台主持訪談性節目「歐普拉秀」(Oprah Winfrey Show),以坦白、誠懇的風格深受觀眾喜愛,是美國收視率最高的電視節目之一,現平均每週有超過3000萬人收看,並在全球一百多個國家播出。

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