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2008/09/19 23:38:03瀏覽1296|回應1|推薦14

不太讀書的書生回應提到舞踏讓他想起他在東京和京都觀賞到的歌舞伎演出,「如果你大概知道故事的內容,它(歌舞伎演出)可以是很有趣的;否則,它將會考驗你的耐心。」我也非常喜歡歌舞伎,我認為歌舞伎是非常精緻的表演。我可以看出它和舞踏之間有些許的相似點,像是白妝和動作。歌舞伎至今已經發展出一系列既定的舞蹈形式 (手勢和動作)、故事、音樂和劇場安排 (舞台和服裝)。然而,以上這些既定元素正是舞踏所要挑戰和擺脫的,舞踏將傳統的演出轉換成較概念式的表演。譬如說,觀眾不容易在舞踏中期待一個完整的故事發展。



chayikid replied that Butoh reminded him of Kabuki, which he experienced in Tokyo and Kyoto. He mentioned that in a Kabuki performance, "If you have a rough idea about the storyline, it can be quite interesting; otherwise, it’s a test of your patience…". I like Kabuki, too. It is one of the most delicate performances! I can see the similarities between Butoh and Kabuki, such as the white face and the motion. Kabuki has developed a series of set dance styles(gestures), stories, music, and theatrical settings (stage and costume). The concept in the performance of Butoh, however, is to unfetter these set elements and transform the performance into a more conceptual level, which is hard to follow if what the audience expects is a store.

I've found a Kabuki performance on Youtube: Tamasaburo's Sagi Musume. Thanks for the narration, of course which is not part of the performance, a non-Japanese-speaking person like myself can understand the performance better.

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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wonderful kabuki clips
2008/09/22 07:15

Wow! The kabuki clips you selected, especially "鷺娘", are absolutely wonderful.  I have been to kabuki show twice, once with my mom and the other time with a friend.  The half-time break, for audience to have dinner, is most memorable (Haha!)  My mom told me that kabuki remains quite popular in Japan.  By the way, all the performers in today’s kabuki are of the male persuasion (so was I told).  

Thank you 建伶 for sharing!