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歹時機的九大熱銷戰略 (How to Sell When Nobody's Buying)
2009/09/13 17:15:23瀏覽414|回應0|推薦0

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Must-read for slaes related

摘錄自 大師輕鬆讀【期號 No.344】

There's no question that it's tough to sell today while the economy is in a downstick. It's almost as if the general rules of the game have changed all of a sudden. And to make things harder, most of today's sales managers were trained on how to sell using technigues that were developed in the 1950s but were still working okay in the 1970s. That's all well and fine, but it's time to face reality. What worked in the past might not necessarily work today, and you have to sort the wheat from the chaff.

五分鐘摘要 (Main idea)

1. 面對現實集中全力
    Get real and focus

2. 讓人看見
    Get visible

3. 聯繫客戶
    Get connected

4. 走向數位,別再挨家挨戶
    Go digital and Get off the road
例 : 企業如何運用Twitter,這個奧美公關的簡報很好 : Twitter For Business: 6 Ways Brands Use Twitter

5. 發揮創意
    Get creative

6. 說之以理
    Get persuasive

7. 提高每筆利潤
    Get paid more on each sale

8. 爭取更大影響力
    Get more leverage

9. 讓人人都能銷售
    Get everyone selling

該面對現實了: 想在今天銷售並成功,非得更新你的技能不可。你必須研擬新的策略與戰略,反映時代(我們這個時代)的現實。如果你無法投入心力學習新事物,不管你的銷售資歷有多長,現在都該走人,你已經不適合當業務。
It's time to face the facts : If you want to sell and succeed today, you have to update your skills. You must develop new strategies and new tactics that reflect the realities of these times - our times. If you can't commit to learing something new, no matter how long you've been selling, you should simply quit now : selling isn't for you anymore.

【文/大衛‧拉卡尼 Dave Lakhani

( 知識學習商業管理 )
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