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2012/09/14 05:55:38瀏覽1292|回應0|推薦22

請簽發此請願書 (免費,無任何樂捐要求!):

  The U.S. Must Avoid the Trap on East China Sea  美國必須避開中國東海的陷阱 - Sign the Petition

The push by the Japanese right-wing faction to officially seize the Diaoyu Islands has been heating the confrontation between the Chinese and Japanese authorities. The Japanese militarism and imperialist expansionism that underlie its ongoing provocation is a threat to the peace of East Asia and the world. Therefore, we, the undersigned, urge our government to take the following actions:

1. Continue to take the neutral position and not side with Japan in the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu Islands. Clarify that the Diaoyu Islands are not covered by the Security Treaty Between the United States and Japan, so as to avoid the risk of being dragged into a military conflict between Japan and China, and to avoid emboldening the militant faction in Japan to instigate aggression.

2. Recognize that supporting Japan to take over the Diaoyu Islands will aid the breeding of the Japanese militarism and imperialistic expansionism, which will be detrimental to the peace of East Asia and the world.     

( 時事評論國際 )
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