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2010/03/16 05:09:54瀏覽2634|回應42|推薦222 | |
雞的故事 Apple最近沒貼文. 但是心情頻頻起伏; 感慨也蠻多. 大都是無病呻吟, 哼兩下就沒氣了, 不值得書寫下來. 瞧瞧日曆, 好像該寫些什麼了. 況且UDN管理中心說, Apple網頁空間用了0.05%. 萬分之五! 好像不算多! 少嗎??? Apple無從比較, 所以不能確定. (I) 大胸脯雞 - 昨日在上網時, 老公一旁看電視. 忽地咯咯笑起來, 嚷道, "快看! 快看!". Apple一瞧, 只見一隻隻肥雞東倒西歪, 喝醉酒般. 怎麼回事? 原來是美國雞肉中雞胸肉價錢最好; 商人為了要增加收入, 在飼料中加了大量荷爾蒙. 結果雞姑娘一個個發育成 "胸前偉大". 因為不勝負荷, 只好危晃晃地一步一顫. Apple給老公一個白眼, 同時囑咐以後買雞一定要挑胸脯小的. (II) 雞同鴨講 - 多年前四位太太打麻將. 手忙, 嘴更忙. 阿梅是資深護士, 正要回台灣. 只聽到她說, "聽說台灣節育要開始了. 這次回台, 一定要試試." 心想, 阿梅已是阿嬤, 年紀一大把, 還節啥子育? 嘴裡可不敢吭, 敷衍道, "台灣早就有節育了. 我有親人就用過子宮環." 阿梅抓了張牌, 長考半天才說, "Apple妳真消息靈通, 連新環路的名稱, 什麼紫宮環都知道...." "什麼環路???" 唉呀! 阿梅在說捷運, 不是節育啦! 四個女人笑到氣喘...... ******************************************************* 用腦前先運動一下: (A) Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? Because he got a hole-in-one. (B) Would you rather a crocodile attack you or an alligator? An Alligator. (C) In a high-speed moving train, if you toss a coin straight up in the air and let it land on the floor. Where exactly will the coin land, the same spot you toss the coin or behind it? 在高鐵上, 如你向上擲一枚硬幣. 它落下在原點, 或在原點後方? At the same spot. (D) Johnny's mother had four children. The first was April, the second was May, and the third was June. What was the name of her fourth child? Johnny. (E) The peacock is a bird that does not lay eggs. How do they get baby peacocks? Peahens lay eggs. (F) Why did Cinderella's coach sit her on the bench? Because she ran away from balls. Apple 15-Mar-2010 |
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