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library and our family
2008/11/25 07:57:47瀏覽276|回應0|推薦6
Hi, NiuNiu

I need to go to bed early today, because I am so tired to go to the library with you.  YiYi got her books, so she will be very quiet at her room; you got your own books and tapes, it will keep you busy this week.  I really appreciate to this library where served our family for more than twelve years.  And this year, I hope we can all attain to her 90 birthday on Saturday.  YiYi has to teach Joyce at 2:00 pm, hope she can go with us.  I would like to know more about this library's history.
I think I should give some donation for the library, she served us for so long, and help us a lot.

We had volunteered the school library for years, and that was the way you learnt ABC.  We did have good time with Ms. Potter, she was very nice to us.  We all love her and miss her very often.  Unfortunately she needs go back the the Newfoundland every summer, so we can only meet at the school BBQ day, to help her sell some books to help Connaught school.  I should give her a call to see if she can visit us sometimes.

Now is so quiet!!!  I know you all enjoy your books, that is good.  I need to go to pray, then you play the piano...., and your theory exam is coming soon, please be prepared!!! 

Good night.......


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