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阿波羅網獨家 http://www.aboluowang.com

英文摘自《Marx and Satan》:


阿波羅網來稿首發  http://www.aboluowang.com





Marx started out as a Christian believer. When he finished high school, the following was written on his graduation certificate under the heading "Religious Knowledge":

His knowledge of the Christian faith and morals is fairly clear and well grounded. He knows also to some extent the history of the Christian church.

然而,馬克思在同一時期所寫的一篇論文中,六次重複了“毀滅”一詞 --- 他的同學沒任何一人在考試中使用此詞。于是,“毀滅”成了馬克思的綽号。對于馬克思來說,想要毀滅是相當自然的,因爲他說人類是“人類垃圾”,又說,“沒有人來拜訪我,我喜歡這樣,因爲現在的人類是〔粗言穢語〕,他們是一群混蛋。”

However, in a thesis written at the same time he repeated six times the word "destroy," which not even one of his colleagues used in the exam. "Destroy" then became his nickname. It was natural for him to want to destroy because he spoke about mankind as "human trash" and said, "No man visits me and I like this, because present mankind may [an obscenity]. They are a bunch of rascals."


Shortly after Marx received this certificate, something mysterious happened in his life: he became profoundly and passionately antireligious. A new Marx began to emerge.


He writes in a poem, "I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above."  So he was convinced that there is One above who rules, but was quarrelling with Him. Yet, the One above had done him no wrong. Marx belonged to a relatively well-to-do family. He had not faced hunger in his childhood. He was much better off than many fellow students. What produced such a terrible hatred for God? No personal motive is known. Was Karl Marx in this declaration only someone else's mouthpiece? We don't know





"At an age when most young men have beautiful dreams of doing good to others and preparing a career for themselves, the young Marx wrote the following lines in his poem "Invocation of One in Despair":

So a god has snatched from me my all,
In the curse and rack of destiny.
All his worlds are gone beyond recall.
Nothing but revenge is left to me.

I shall build my throne high overhead,
Cold, tremendous shall its summit be.
For its bulwark - superstitious dread.
For its marshal - blackest agony.

Who looks on it with a healthy eye,
Shall turn back, deathly pale and dumb,
Clutched by blind and chill mortality,
May his happiness prepare its tomb"
* 《絕望者的魔咒》全詩英文版:
http://www.marxists.org/archive/ ... e/verse/verse11.htm


Marx dreamt about ruining the world created by God. He said in another poem:

"Then I will be able to walk triumphantly,
Like a god, through the rains of their kingdom.
Every word of mine is fire and action.
My breast is equal to that of the Creator."

“我将在上蒼建起我的王座”一句,和“坐于王座上者将散布極端的痛苦與恐懼”這個自白,使我們想起路斯弗的驕傲之言:“我要升到天上,在神的衆星之上,我将設立我的王座。”(聖經·舊約·以賽亞書 14:13)

The words "I shall build my throne high overhead" and the confession that from the one sitting on this throne will emanate only dread and agony remind us of Lucifer's proud boast, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God" (Isaiah 14:13).

而馬克思在某個時期最親密的朋友 Bakunin 寫道:


Perhaps it was no coincidence that Bakunin, who was for a time one of Marx's most intimate friends, wrote,

"One has to worship Marx in order to be loved by him. One has at least to fear him in order to be tolerated by him. Marx is extremely proud, up to dirt and madness."


Why did Marx wish such a throne?



The answer is found in a little-known drama which he also composed during his student years. It is called Oulanem. To explain this title, a digression is needed.

One of the rituals of the Satanist church is the back mass, which Satanist priests recite at midnight. Black candles are put in the candlesticks upside down. The priest is dressed in his ornate robes, but with the lining outside. He says all things prescribed in the prayer book, but reads from the end toward the beginning. The holy names of God, Jesus, and Mary are read inversely. A crucifix is fastened upside down or tram-pled upon. A consecrated wafer stolen from a church is in-scribed with the name Satan and is used for a mock communion. During the black mass a Bible is burned. All those present promise to commit the seven deadly sins, as enumerated in Catholic catechisms, and never to do any good. An orgy follows.


Characteristically, "Oulanem" is an inversion of a holy name. It is an anagram of Emmanuel, a Biblical name of Jesus which means in Hebrew "God with us." Such inversions of names are considered effective in black magic.



We will be able to understand the drama Oulanem only in the light of a strange confession that Marx made in a poem called "The Player," later downplayed by both himself and his followers:

"The hellish vapours rise and fill the brain,
Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed.
See this sword?
The prince of darkness
Sold it to me.
For me he beats the time and gives the signs.
Ever more boldly I play the dance of death."
*《演奏者》(The Fiddler / Nidler)另一英譯版:
http://www.marxists.org/archive/ ... 837-wil.htm#fiddler


“How so! I plunge, plunge without fail
My blood-black sabre into your soul.
That art God neither wants nor wists,
It leaps to the brain from Hell’s black mists. 

“Till heart’s bewitched, till senses reel:
With Satan I have struck my deal.
He chalks the signs, beats time for me,
I play the death march fast and free. 


These lines take on special significance when we learn that in the rites of higher initiation in the Satanist cult an "enchanted" sword which ensures success is sold to the candidate. He pays for it by signing a covenant, with blood taken from his wrists, agreeing that his soul will belong to Satan after death.


“他們也是 Oulanem,Oulanem,

握住并抓碎你 --- 人類。
并在你耳邊低語:“下來陪我吧,朋友!” ”

Now I quote from the drama Oulanem itself:

"And they are also Oulanem, Oulanem.
The name rings forth like death, rings forth
Until it dies away in a wretched crawl.
Stop, I've got it now! It rises from my soul
As clear as air, as strong as my bones.

Yet I have power within my youthful arms
To clench and crush you (i.e., personified humanity]
with tempestuous force,
While for us both the abyss yawns in darkness.
You will sink down and I shall follow laughing,
Whispering in your ears, "Descend,
come with me, friend."

在《Oulanem》劇本裏,Oulanem 死時,馬克思寫道:


When, in the drama, the time comes for Oulanem's death, his words are:

"Ruined, ruined. My time has clean run out.
The clock has stopped, the pygmy house has crumbled.
Soon I shall embrace eternity to my breast, and soon
I shall howl gigantic curses on mankind."


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