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2009/06/09 12:34:06瀏覽1970|回應1|推薦24 | |
這篇笑話是從伊索寓言中的“誠實的樵夫”改編而來的﹐ 是誰首先發表的很難確定﹐可能先是SmoknJokes在2003年5月29登出﹐ 後來流傳甚廣﹐有各種適合不同語言﹑族群的版本。 下面是我自己編的(原文亦附在後面)﹕ 從前有一個樵夫,他每天總是帶把鐵斧頭上山砍柴,斧頭用久了﹐ 到處都是銹。有一天,他走在一根獨木橋上時,不小心把斧頭掉進 橋下的河裡﹐樵夫急得蹲在橋邊哭泣﹐想到斧頭沒了﹐怎麼砍柴養家﹐ 他越哭越大聲﹐驚動了河神。河神跳出水面問他為什麼哭得那麼傷心﹖ 樵夫把原委告訴河神﹐河神安慰他說︰不要緊﹗我下去幫你找找看。 河神跳下水﹐很快的就提著一把亮晶晶的金斧頭出來問﹕這是你掉的斧頭吧﹖ 樵夫看了一眼﹐趕緊說﹕不是﹗不是﹗河神把那金斧頭放在河邊﹐ 說﹕那我再去找。過了半晌﹐河神抓著一把銀斧頭出來﹐問樵夫﹕ 那麼﹐是這把吧﹖樵夫又搖搖頭﹐含著眼淚說﹕這也不是我的。 河神把銀斧頭也放在河岸上﹐說﹕我再去找找。 這回等了更久﹐天都快黑了﹐終於﹐河神濕淥淥的從河裡冒了出來﹐ 手上抓著一把又舊又銹的斧頭﹐再問樵夫﹐ 樵夫馬上認出那就是自己掉下去的斧頭﹐歡喜的大叫﹕對對對﹗ 這就是我的斧頭﹐真謝謝河神﹗ 河神側眼一看﹐那兩把金﹑銀斧頭仍然放在河邊。 心想這樵夫真是誠實善良﹐就告訴他說﹕真難得你那麼誠實不貪﹐ 為了獎賞你﹐這兩把金銀斧頭都一塊送給你吧﹗ 樵夫連忙謝謝河神﹐高興的扛著三把斧頭回家。 又有一天﹐樵夫帶著他的老婆一塊去上山砍柴﹐路過獨木橋時﹐ 老婆一不小心滑了一交﹐扑通一聲﹐掉進橋下的深水裡去了﹐ 這下樵夫更急壞了﹐兩腳猛蹬﹐放聲大哭起來。 河神又被吵醒﹐跳了出來﹐一看﹗又是那位樵夫﹐就問他這回是怎麼了﹖ 樵夫哭得聲音都啞了﹐傷心的說﹕我老婆不小心掉進河裡了﹐怎麼辦﹖ 河神趕緊安慰他說﹕不要緊﹗我下去幫你撈撈看。 河神鑽進水裡許久才出來﹐兩手抱著一個美女﹐竟然是林志玲! 河神問樵夫﹕這是你老婆嗎﹖樵夫愣了一下﹐在林志玲身上 從頭到腳打量了一番﹐趕緊說﹕是﹗就是她﹗ 河神一聽﹐大為光火﹕我一直以為你是個誠實善良的老實人﹐ 這次竟敢欺騙我﹐真可惡﹗樵夫一見河神大怒﹐連忙解釋說﹕ 河神大人﹐您千萬不要生氣﹗我必須得說是﹐我要說不是的話﹐ 您又下去撈一個蕭薔出來﹐我又說不是﹐您才又撈出我真正的老婆上來﹐ 我說是﹐結果您就把三個女人都送給我帶回家﹐那我怎麼吃得消﹖ ================================================== The Honest Woodcutter....SmoknJokes Author: 54570 Category:(Humor) Created:(5/29/2003 8:44:00 PM) This post has been Viewed (685 times) One day, while a woodcutter was cutting a branch of a tree above a river, his axe fell into the river. When he cried out, God appeared and asked," Why are you crying?" The woodcutter replied that his axe has fallen into water. Then God went down into the water and reappeared with a golden axe. "Is this your axe?" God asked. The woodcutter replied, "No." God again went down and came up with a silver axe. "Is this your axe?" he asked. Again, the woodcutter replied, "No." God went down again and came up with an iron axe. "Is this your axe?" God asked. The woodcutter replied," Yes." God was pleased with the man's honesty and gave him all three axes to keep, and the woodcutter went home happily. One day while he was walking with his wife along the riverbank, the woodcutter's wife fell into the river. When he cried out,God again appeared and asked him, "Why are you crying?" "Oh God , my wife has fallen into the water!" God went down into the water and came up with Jennifer Lopez. "Is this your wife?" he asked. "Yes," cried the woodcutter. God was furious. "You cheat! That is an untruth!" The woodcutter replied, "Oh, forgive me God . It is a misunderstanding. You see, if I said 'no' to Jennifer Lopez, You will come up with Catherine Zeta-Jones. Then if I also say 'no' to her, You will come up with my wife, and I will say 'yes,' and then all three will be given to me. But God , I am a poor man and I will not be able to take care of all three wives, so that's why I said 'yes' this time. ================================================== The moral of the story is whenever a man lies it is for an honourable and useful reason. |
( 休閒生活|笑話 ) |