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2017/01/01 04:48:52瀏覽227|回應7|推薦0 | |
1. find out your 八字, in my generation most of us may not know the correctly birthdate and born time especially during japanbastards invaded and then inner wars. howeven many china websites provided free 八字预测 and 怎样计算生辰八字(if you are forbid visiting china websites in taiwan) , you could try as many times as you need and to verify which is the most fit you, besides 八字断局-怎样确定出生时辰 出生時辰之鑑定方式 兄弟排行断法 断兄弟姐妹数目 could also help you. For your kids and offsprings I would strongly suggest you recording their born date and time in case you(or themselves) need 八字预测 to solve some serious problems when no other ways. 2. from 八字 find out 日主(yourself 日干) 强弱衰旺--this is very difficult and complex. you need to know 天干地支五行生克刑害破会合化 well and 十神(you can say 天干地支五行的化名应付人际关系) plus 五行地支在四季旺相休囚死(for 日天干在月支是旺相当令或失令),天干月支长生 沐浴败 冠带 临官禄 帝旺刃 衰 病 死 墓库 绝 胎 养 for 日干 得不得令(月地支:长生、沐浴、冠带、临官、帝旺、墓库), 得不得势(天干地支五行生助多), 得不得地(年日时地支:长生、沐浴、冠带、临官、帝旺、墓库) 得不得气(天干与地支藏干本气五行同或者生扶或者得余气土) 月地支 天干地支五行 【春】寅、卯、辰 木旺 火相 水休 金囚 土死 长生 沐浴败 冠带 临官禄 帝旺刃 衰 病 死 墓库 绝 胎 养 乙木 午 巳 辰 卯 寅 丑 子 亥 戌 酉 申 未 |
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