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2016/12/23 16:06:37瀏覽146|回應3|推薦0 | |
for those born in 1957年-农历丁酉火鸡, is going to be 60 years old in 2017. I would suggest you keep/get 农历日历, in case you have time and interesting in our ancestors 预测. usually our ancestors told us 六十甲子 is a cycle, no need to 算命. but it is a good time to review what happened to you in the past, and what you will be in the future. From what I collected even "六十甲子 is a cycle" is not 100% true or it is too easy. if you pay attention comparing 1957 and 2017 农历日历, they are a bit different and that is the nature when the earth moving around the sun, and the sun moving around unknown/银河... 鸡年系“双春年” “超长待机”长达384天 ...“双春年”——年初的正月初七立春,年末的腊月十九又立春。天文学家表示,在阳历中,地球绕太阳公转一周为一回归年,平年365天,闰年有366天。而我国传统的农历是以月亮圆缺变化的周期为依据,一个月约29.5306天,12个月为354天或355天,比阳历年少了11天。如果任由农历和阳历间的天数如此相差下去,那就会出现春节在夏天过的现象。为了解决这个矛盾,古人采用设置闰月的方法。现行农历置闰方法是“十九年七闰”,即在19个农历年中加上7个闰年。农历闰年因为多了个闰月,一年有383天至385天,而农历平年一般有353天至355天。 即将到来的鸡年有一个“正六月”、一个“闰六月”。在农历六月出生的小伙伴们,明年就可以理直气壮地过两个农历生日啦。 |
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