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2017鸡年-双春年 and born in 1957年预测
2016/12/23 16:06:37瀏覽143|回應3|推薦0

for those born in 1957年-农历丁酉火鸡, is going to be 60 years old in 2017.

I would suggest you keep/get 农历日历, in case you have time and interesting in our ancestors 预测. usually our ancestors told us 六十甲子 is a cycle, no need to 算命. but it is a good time to review what happened to you in the past, and what you will be in the future.

From what I collected even  "六十甲子 is a cycle" is not 100% true or it is too easy. if you pay attention comparing 1957 and 2017 农历日历, they are a bit different and that is the nature when the earth moving around the sun, and the sun moving around unknown/银河...

鸡年系“双春年” “超长待机”长达384天 ...“双春年”——年初的正月初七立春,年末的腊月十九又立春。天文学家表示,在阳历中,地球绕太阳公转一周为一回归年,平年365天,闰年有366天。而我国传统的农历是以月亮圆缺变化的周期为依据,一个月约29.5306天,12个月为354天或355天,比阳历年少了11天。如果任由农历和阳历间的天数如此相差下去,那就会出现春节在夏天过的现象。为了解决这个矛盾,古人采用设置闰月的方法。现行农历置闰方法是“十九年七闰”,即在19个农历年中加上7个闰年。农历闰年因为多了个闰月,一年有383天至385天,而农历平年一般有353天至355天。


( 知識學習科學百科 )
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2018/01/03 02:33

what did i feel about 2017? seemed getting better that the person not hurt my body so frequenetly. however in the end my watch still gone forever. it happened before, took away for 3 years and returned(put in bathroom cabinet that i frequently looking) . but this time i knew it won't return like some others.

on 12/29 my husband told me his wedding ring gone(he lost his weight, knew it is loose) after we returned home from restaurant.

we did search the car and the place he walked thru to our house.

 on 1/1 he forced me went to Jewel shopping(most stores are closed, we never go out on 1/1 before, this is 1st time Jewel open and he knew) and when we returned home i found his ring on the car parking. I can't believe it and thought the person dump back. frequently i would find our things dump on the parking place. i'm not surprised the person can enter our house and took his ring. the person is target at his wedding and necklace sooner or later. 

2017/01/23 15:40
鸡年话鸡 四川有四种“鸡”是国宝级珍禽 ..再过五天就进入农历丁酉年,生肖为鸡。在十二生肖中,鸡与地支酉相配,顺居第十位。



  在《六十甲子纳音歌》中“丙申丁酉山下火”,丁酉年为火鸡年。在干支中,“丁”在天干中居第四位,代表“壮”,己达“壮丁”之年;在地支中“酉”是第十位,代表“ 老 ”和“鲍”,指万物成熟的意思。因此丁酉年从字面上意味着果实已成熟,经验老到,游刃自由了。这对民俗生肖文化有信仰的人来说,均是“大吉之年”。


蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-23 15:50 回覆:

十天干:甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 己 庚 辛 壬 癸




--...1957,2017,2077.. 丁酉年 山下火

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-23 16:11 回覆:

my 八字(四柱) has 山下火 佛灯火 炉中火 and 金箔金 after married and comparing with him indeed I am very lack of 水. his 八字(四柱) has:屋上土 平地木 桑拓木 金箔金.

my 八字 has 3火3木1水1金, his  八字 has 3土3水1木1火. I drink more water than him but my lips frequently dried out.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-23 16:41 回覆:
十神: 比肩、劫财、食神、伤官、偏财(才)、正财、七杀、正官、偏印(枭)、正印
五行: 金、木、水、火、土
亥、子、丑 月属水,主宰冬季,代表北方;
寅、卯、辰 月属木,主宰春季,代表东方;
巳、午、未 月属火,主宰夏季,代表南方;
申、酉、戌 月属金,主宰秋季,代表西方;
丑、辰、未、戌 单个而言都属土,为四方土,主宰四季最后一个月。
十神是八字的日干 and other 7干支 五行关系: 生我枭印 我生食伤 我克才财 克我官杀 同我比劫
we both has 1金箔金 that means we won't be very rich type.
my 十神  has no 正财 but 1偏财,that means I have a bit lucky in gamble, lottery... than him.
his 十神 has 1正财 no 偏财 that means his job made more money and could work longer time than me .
my 八字 at least has 1金 he has none that means I have more money than him because I can save pennies, he wastes money(easy gone).
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-23 16:45 回覆:



2016/12/26 03:19

童子命究竟是什么?民间的说法为:不论男女(尤其是小孩),凡经常得说不清的病、对象难谈成,结婚晚,每逢定婚或结婚就出病伤,就要寻查此人是否是真童子。童子都聪明貌端 胸怀坦荡 志向远大 但是大都怀才不遇 历经坎坷 灾难重重 尤其婚姻不顺(离婚丧偶者居多),



--my husband is (假?)童子命 indeed 得说不清的病. his mom told him was sleep walking as kid.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-28 09:43 回覆:
华盖者, 喻如宝盖, 天有此星其形如盖, 多主孤寡, 纵贵亦不免孤独作僧道.人命带华盖, 必为聪明勤学, 清静寡欲,但不免较为孤僻.
He also has 华盖星戌 but it's impossible 钻研 in 佛 and 仙术仙术 in usa so can't prove.
1.华盖的孤,多是指心灵上的孤独,自鸣清高,不同流合污,喜欢一个人学习。命中有华盖的人好学是其特点,但若华盖占了两个以上,或者八字配合不吉,而带华盖,恐怕就有点六亲上的孤了。--definitely is true for him.
2.华盖表示人有点老实厚道,有善良有本性。--he is way too 老实厚道善良--I can't endure that.
3.八字中华盖占了二个或二个以上,因为内向,喜个人钻研,不在乎现实,往往抓不住机遇。--it's true so till 67 promoted as S.V.P. after we married I inqired him whether his family ever complained at him. he told me one of his sister accused him stupid and I can see why.
in usa can't prove, I tried to teach him but very difficult without knowing 中文.
6、命中有华盖,对神秘文化有兴趣,相信佛道数术之学,与易经有缘,业余爱好有可能就是在神佛文化、气功、算命中打转。-- he loves X-files...those scientific fictions
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-29 00:11 回覆:


月支 子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥
五鬼 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子 丑 寅 卯

五鬼 财           官      印       食伤*   比劫        
性质 同辈亡女索债 已故领导 已亡长辈 已亡小辈 同事同辈

--he has 五鬼卯 比劫已亡小辈 stick to him, almost 20 years still can't catch the 小鬼 stealing(some returned after months, years) and abused my body(now seems his turn). 

PS many americans are quite lonely no friends, not even neighbours friendship except politely say hellow.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-29 00:13 回覆:
correct:--he has ...食伤(not 比劫)
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-29 00:42 回覆:




when we married found out in quite cold night still turn on A/C, Fan but covering comforter, I turned off then he would wake up and told me can't breath and 头晕. gradually he getting better except if he saw the weather report 90 immediately 胸闷不舒 even it is not true.


just before we planed to have a trip suddenly got stomch then extreamly pain in butt and then moved around can't sleep. the doctor told him the bone spur(骨刺) he has shouldn't caused so much pain. tried many nothing can help but last solution:spine shot. I don't think it can slove, and just told him one of these days visit budda temple(佛庙) see whether his feeling like return home.  unfotunately in usa 佛庙s not like our china built in the moutains and many different Gods.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-29 01:00 回覆:

when I was abused(significantly happened in 2000, 2008?, 2013...) my 2 primary doctors also made many orders found nothing wrong, except sometimes obviously black(in breast), dark bruise in arm/legs, and strong pain in abodomy, head... knife cut in fingers/toe and back, very strong dizzy for 10 days.

the earliest I found in fact is my husband back and bottom legs got knife cut that's why I knew it is not my husband did to me. why it stop abused me and back to my husband? my husband always denied it existing and I always told my husband it wants to prove existing.

the only thing he told me is stealing/returned some, happened to him frequently before we married and he believes it is normal and happens to every one. I almost went crazy like living in a nut house, fortunately I'm strong enough especially after studying our ancestor fortune teller which point out I have unknown hurting which is my fate.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-29 01:55 回覆:

Be honest I always believe the 3rd person(may not just one) involved but can't tell female or male because right in the beginning I found his underwears were gone and few returned that's how I began paying attention to our things. however the person can't be caught(I also believe my husband can't get rid of the person but covering) and 20 years behaviours just like a kid never grew up so is "小鬼".

when I told my mom, she was so sure it is female and won't stop until my husband dies.

I have many theories to explain why but without my husband cooperations can't prove any.

quite earlier I got weird feeling his youngest sister wanted to be me and I don't feel well.

one of French detective show: a husband rent(bought?) 2nd house and made everything exactly the same as original one. one day his daughter followed him and found out. his wife suspected the 3rd woman involved and when he returned him she killed him in elevator till the detective proves the 3rd woman just a friend not what she thought.

I did wonder that were the case because can't found those missings in the house and why many years later some returned(worn out, bad shapes, used while few not been used still new). maybe one day I would write a story for china detective show.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-30 02:29 回覆:

--my husband visited Lutheran Church when he was a kid then found out too strong political related so stop.
china government did right job--religion should not relate to politic. Hope one day we can visit china's 佛道 temples. 佛教 in usa either from taiwan or Indo
neither I like especially taiwan 佛教 leader in here has a sex scandle/crimes involved.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-04 00:18 回覆:
容易遭盗贼的八字组合 from 妙悔居士...
this is my husband  八字年月支, that can explain why it happens, the question is who and whether my husband knew who did to us. Last year he told me the person did for fun which I got very upset - what about my fun, for 20 years the person for himself/herself fun tortured us. from what I saw my husband he didn't know how to teach but spoil the person.
his 八字 only one is 7阴1阳 belongs to "weak/soft" type, myself 6阴2阳 a bit stronger and has guts. my faher loved gamble and his friends frequently came to invite playing 赌博. one day I told them "don't come any more" they felt funny(I was a kid) and laught while none of my brother/sister would have guts but complaint lots.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-04 01:38 回覆:


--this is I am afraid going to happen, fortunately 不见大运见流年庚申1980 2040 and 癸未2003, I don't know what happened to him in 1980, but in 2003 I was very ill, doctor can't find anything wrong. now is his turn I warned him becarefu what he eat because the person also stealing foods and some returned. he is careless type can't see what's missing what's returned. last time the person returned SPAGHETTI(细长面条) and I won't use it, after suffering unknown illness many years.

when we decide move to other place, I inquired the agent why the owner put nails around windows, he told me to prevent relatives get in.

my female classmate near by our old house also inquired me about security system I told her not worth to install because she can't spend all day to watch recording films. even so still can't catch because dead zone oand/r inside help the thief. the security delay function is one of can't catch. one night our alarm beeping I went to front door didn't find then realize it was backyard door caused alarm then ruch back certainly caught no one..too late.

our the 1st security is tape recording and it's easy wiped off.  2nd is computer recording when I found things missing it still too late because over-writing, hardisk space full then auto re-write.