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几年前,公共水管用新铅管替换了旧铅管?; company stole our 2 tanks(trash and recycle)
2023/01/27 08:14:40瀏覽59|回應0|推薦0
2/9/2023 our 2 tanks(Trash and Recycle) were stolen, so i wrote a letter to our renting house township for help as: Dear Supervisor, my name is xxx , before 2013 we select the option :bought trash (and recycle) tanks and paied by stickers. in 2013 Nov we rented until 2022 Oct (correct:2021). i did call the current LRS and selected pay by sticker in 2022(correct:2021). since then kept receiving bill statemets showing $48.55. i called many times to dispute the charges finally they told me the fee is about trash (and recycle) tank needs to return, i asked them to return ours first which we bought and also informed our renter still live in our area (6S050 xxx, , told by our Sxxx community office but not know apt number) 8/18/2022 i called again the person told me the balance was reset $0. but didnt. 11/21/2022 called again Jay told me still under investigation. 2/2/2023 called again Ida told me must return trash tank and declared their worker wont take away the 2 tanks we bought. but waste manage company ph# 8669094458. i called waste manage who told me they never serviced in our area. i expect whether you can tell us which companies (before LRS) serviced our area since 2013 and their phone number? when did LRS service begin? the last renter moved in Dec,2016, still used our 2 old tanks. thanks and sorry to bother you. --the problem is service company changed by township and they have different rules and must use their tanks. LRS declared if select pay by sticker must use your own trash tank, but they offer free charge Recycle tank. the worst is the company workers didnt know well so lied to us, we cant but return their trash tank on 2/8/2023 or suffer our credit scores damaged and very frequently collecting with interest punished. 2/9/2023 in 2021 after we found "VACANT" business card-like put in our renting house mail box and cant receive any mails that post office denied their workers put it which scared me to the death cant but fill the form to forward my mails to renting house to stop our house sneakly sold or rented by unknown scum. i kept inform our banks, health/auto insurance companies ...mail statements to our living address (as before). their workers promised no worry if only if i didnt fill their company change address form. but few works, most are not and no one know whats going on. last time picked up mails from renting house found out some companies auto changed my mailing address to renting house. as i said usa system is very sucks and freaky complex, i cant but visited nearby post office fill change address form again. i bet the rule changed by government without notify since 2021. will the scum put "VACANT" business card-like in our renting house mail box again? 微软正式停售 Win10 产品密钥 / 许可证:继续提供 ISO 镜像下载,推荐用户升级 Win11 2023年02月01日 00:00 IT之家 IT之家 1 月 31 日消息,微软于 2 月 1 日正式停止销售 Windows 10 产品密钥 / 许可证,用户可以继续下载 Windows 10 的 ISO 镜像。 微软表示,2023 年 1 月 31 日将是 Windows 10 数字下载的最后一天销售。Windows 10 将在 2025 年 10 月 14 日之前继续支持安全更新,以帮助保护您的电脑免受病毒、间谍软件和其他恶意软件的侵害。 IT之家小伙伴还可以从第三方商店购买 Windows 10 的库存许可证,而微软官方将仅提供 Windows 11 的数字销售渠道。 微软目前已将大部分 Windows 开发力量投入了 Windows 11 和后续 Windows 版本的更新中,Windows 10 目前只得到了一些小修补更新,在 22H2 大版本更新中也没有什么重要内容。 去年 5 月,微软宣布 Windows 11 已经准备好广泛部署。同时,对于即将结束服务的版本,微软也一直在劝说 Windows 10 21H1 用户升级到 Windows 11,甚至在 Windows 10 22H2 的 Windows 开箱即用体验(OOBE)界面就出现了 Windows 11 推荐选项。 根据文档显示,微软不会删除安装媒介 (.ISO) 文件或媒介创建工具的计划,涉及所有版本的 Windows 10,包括家庭版和专业版。 用户还可以购买 Windows 11 许可证并使用 ISO 镜像将副本降级到 Windows 10 系统。从 Windows 11 降级到 Windows 10 仍然可行,微软将自动激活 Windows 10 许可证。 --what does it really mean? our internet service broke down 2/5-2/1 again. spouse called the company and was told over 10GB plan limit this time. when the service man came and told us they found nearby senior center has same issue and still work on it. obviously they never solved it. ps 2/4/2023 12:12pm google searched showing : NasdaqGS: CMCSA 39.97 -1.14 (-2.77%) At close: Fri. Feb 3, 2023 4:00 PM EST · Nasdaq Real Time Price (USD) · Market closed. same as i made a copy on 2/3/2023 11:30pm. obviously some stocks/corp bond companies very likely got internet prolblems too didnt update unit price before 5pm and after. 美法院裁决:强生不得利用破产摆脱4万多起致癌诉讼 2023年01月31日 08:25 环球市场播报   美国一家联邦上诉法院周一裁定,强生(164.92, 1.50, 0.92%)公司不能通过破产来解决美国4万多起关于其现已下架的婴儿爽身粉的致癌诉讼。   费城上诉法院一个由三位法官组成的审判小组站在了癌症受害者一边,他们认为强生错误地将其特别创建的子公司LTL Management置于破产保护之下,以阻止全国各地的陪审团审理这些诉讼并颁发损害赔偿金。   这一裁决意味着强生很可能仍需要就婴儿爽身粉中所含滑石粉致癌的说法为自己辩护。该公司已经输掉了多起此类案件,包括一起上诉到美国最高法院的案件,在此之前,强生曾被迫向一批受害者赔偿超过20亿美元。   强生股价周一盘中一度下跌7.2%,最终以3.7%的跌幅收盘。该公司于2020年将其标志性的爽身粉从美国市场撤下,并计划在今年年底前将其从全球市场撤下。 --my sister used a lot, she got allergy, 荨麻疹 for many years. i hardly put anything on my face or body. last couple months spouse bought and used foot powder, i still stay away. if it is not my hairs lost a lot since in taiwan 2018-2020 even wont take Vitamine K and Calcium + D3(didnt see reduce the problem yet).   法官们认为,只有直接面临财务问题威胁的公司才可以申请破产。法官们发现,由于强生自己从未声称处于直接危险之中,其不能从破产法第11章的规定中受益,将一个子公司置于法庭保护之下。   诉讼分析师霍利·弗鲁姆(Holly Froum)表示,这项裁决可能会促成强生就致癌诉讼达成和解。弗拉姆说,这4万多起诉讼的和解金额可能达到50亿美元。他在周一的一份报告中指出,达成和解协议的可能性为70%。   强生计划对这一裁决提出质疑。该公司在一份声明中表示,破产申请是出于善意,以“公平解决”滑石粉索赔。原告律师周一预计,如果该公司的上诉不成功,强生可能从今年夏天开始面临一波滑石粉诉讼。   强生现在可以要求费城上诉法院的所有法官听取他们对三名法官小组裁决的上诉。如果被拒绝,该公司有权要求美国最高法院听取其关于破产案可以继续进行的论点。 责任编辑:于健 细菌感染致一人死亡三人失明 这种人工泪液应立即停用 时间: 2023-02-01 04:53:30 【侨报纽约讯】据美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,简称CDC)称,由于一种可能与非处方眼药水品牌有关的细菌感染,已有一人死亡,至少三人永久失明。 据nbcny报道,美国疾病控制与预防中心在1月20日的一份声明中称,大多数患者在患病前使用了不含防腐剂的EzriCare品牌人工泪液眼药水(EzriCare Artificial Tears)。 Erzicare人工泪液。图源:Erzicare品牌产品停用声明。 虽然感染尚未确定与眼药水有关,但疾病预防控制中心建议“患者立即停止使用EzriCare人工泪液,直到流行病学调查和实验室分析完成。” 到目前为止,CDC团队已经在11个州发现了至少50人感染了铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa),这是一种对大多数抗生素有抗药性的细菌。 据悉,加利福尼亚州、科罗拉多州、康涅狄格州、佛罗里达州、新泽西州、新墨西哥州、纽约州、内华达州、得克萨斯州、犹他州和华盛顿州都报告了病例。(编译: --again i wont put 人工泪液 into my eyes. mom did 白内障 surgery then frequently used 人工泪液(the person also stole it. after mom left usa the psycho thief returned). ========================================================== quite unbelivable! public water pipe replaced with LEAD a couple years ago.... 几年前,公共水管用新铅管替换了旧铅管? A couple years ago we were told new public water pipe replaced the old lead pipes(our area water pressure too low). which did have option whether replaced inside the house.with fee charges. correct: only outside the house wall connector to public roadside, not inside the house. we didnt want to pay because it looked like inside house pipes might already replaced by previous owner. we dont know what lead pipes look like and whether 100% private pipes replaced by previous owner. we dont know what lead pipes look like and whether 100% private pipes replaced by previous owner.ps 1/27/2023 we have no idea how to update city records that private pipes are coppers (few old pipes sounds like metal coating with black painting). note: just called and was told water service line only contains:Public (roadside) and Private which from road side to the house outside wall connector portion (burried underground) and if previous owner replace the outside house private portion then must get approved from city to do the job. inside house water pipes no need to report. in the past always receive mails from water company that water quality is safe. we never knew water has lead risk at all. our old lady (pre-neighour) told me she always buy water bottles. Last year DEC when i got the mail showing some area still is lead pipes and some residents lead tester results are not safe. city would provide free lead tester. i began worry that we assumed a couple years ago pupblic replaced pipes was not we thought lead-free pipes. immediately on-line registered for free tester. we start buying water bottles. today (1/26/2023) i got city mail that we can on line verify whether still is lead pipes. it really shock to prove "A couple years ago we were told public water pipe replaced the old lead pipes" the truth. it shows: Is Lead Line Present? Lead Private Lead Public Lead we are not the only one, total 34 houses except 3 houses (Is Lead Line Present? Lead-Free Private Copper Public Copper), 2 houses (Is Lead Line Present? unknown Private Copper Public Unknown) . the thing bother me how can be 4 houses are Public Copper, the rest are not or Unknown? i was told our house was not link to others (33) but across street (which most are Lead-Free pipes, some Private Copper, 1 as us) because our area water pressure cant provide all 34 houses. i would say if previous owner did replace inside pipes(may not 100% from public to private pipes which burried under yards) but did not report to city(if we replace pipes also wont know must report to city or else) is highly possible. i made a call that didnt receive lead tester , and was told we are on the top listing whenever there are available. i cross my fingers hoping the tester would show safe as our water came from the across street most are lead-free. ps 1/27/2023 spouse told me maybe 4 houses were built (or plumbed) after 1986. according to the city mail it may still be found lead-related in newer houses. the mail shows: 1978 lead paint was outlawed; 1986 lead solder was banned; some plumbing materials including faucets if purchased before Jan, 2014 have lead risk. spouse got hyper that he thought boiled water can reduced lead poisen but it is not. city suggest if buy water filter must certified to NSF/ASNI standard 42,53 if home contains lead plumbig. ps Q: What are the health effects of lead in drinking water? A: Documented health effects of elevated concentrations of lead in drinking water within children include: behavior and learning problems, lower IQ, hyperactivity, slowed growth, hearing problems and anemia(贫血). Documented health effects of elevated concentrations of lead in drinking water within pregnant women include reduced fetus growth and premature birth. Adults exposed to lead can have cardiovascular effects, decreased kidney function and reproductive problems. Elgin: Total 33,901 Lead-Free 20,925 62% (green dot) Public Side Lead-Free 516 2% Unknown 1,608 5% (orange dot,private: copper) Lead 10,852 32% (black dot)--- almos 1/3 are Public Lead city declared last 10 years has been replacing the public portion of a lead water service line. i would say it takes another 5 years for 1/3 ie Unknown 1,608 + Lead 10,852.

( 知識學習科學百科 )
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