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长生十二宫用法解读【收藏】-- 读后感实例 : 受他人拖累负债 破产又好运之命
2023/01/18 00:34:09瀏覽68|回應0|推薦0
长生十二宫用法解读【收藏】 from xypjj 2022-06-20 发表于广东
在年柱: 其人生长于踏实的家庭。  
在月柱: 亲情浓厚。  
在日柱: 此乃幸福、好运之命。


在年柱: 父母之间,可能有不能和睦相处情形。  
在月柱: 中年之前事职经常起变化,人生多见波澜。  
在日柱: 早年辛苦,中末限安祥。  
在时柱: 晚运较差,子女缘份较薄。  


甲日见丑。乙日见辰。丙日见辰。丁日见未。戊日见辰。 己日见未。庚日见未。辛日见戌。壬日见戌。癸日见丑。  
在月柱: 青年期间变动较大,住所或是工作也常见变化;所幸中年即可大显发展。 
在日柱: 幼年身体欠佳,长大之后反而非常健康;是一个优秀可造的人材。  
在时柱: 将来有优秀的子女。


在年柱: 中年以后能得到相当的发展;但是做事最好是步步为营,适合比较踏实性的工作。  
在月柱: 是离家自立之命,中翠¤后有相当发展。  
在日柱: 此乃好命之人,但须防毕生有一次破财消灾的事情发生。
在时柱: 称为“日禄归时”,晚年吉祥安顺。 



在年柱: 是一个性格相当独立的人,凡事喜欢以自己的力量去完成。
在月柱: 野心很大,往往有孤注一掷情形;总是不太喜欢脚踏实地的做事,造成一生当中会有破产的事发生。  
在日柱: 事业心很强盛,中年期间能见成就;甚至有人年轻时期,即可大见宏展。
在时柱: 晚年注意加强人际关系,有孤独的暗示。命理诠真。  



在年柱: 个性比较内向,一生要防受到他人所拖累,甚至负债事生。此命生平多见凶兆,晚年亦显辛苦。
在月柱: 此乃半生顺调、半生辛苦之命。特别注意!恐怕为了帮助他人担保、或有财钱借人有去无还情形,乃致欠债之患。  
在日柱: 莫存太大理想,按步就班反而能见成就。  
在时柱: 女命:对子女的管教必须特别加强与注意,否则将因子女而不得安祥。  

人命逢此,做事有消极之嫌,为人温顺,难免显得较无主张;正因为天命如此,凡事最好不要太过强求,宜步步为营,一切按步就班,等待中年期间,事职自然有成。技术、研究方面多见才能、或见成就;工作性质适合会计、金融等固定型职务,或是学术、技艺 、九流行业。 


在年柱: 注意有体弱之嫌!  
在月柱: 行为比较欠缺实践能力;中年之前注意,可能会有经常变换工作之情形。此命家庭要防夫 妻纷争。
在日柱: 身体要加强保养。
在时柱: 晚年注意经济困境。



在年柱: 六亲缘薄。 
在月柱: 工作多见辛劳,中年之后注意健康;男女缘份较差。  
在日柱: 个性方面要多修养,否则将来浮沉多见。  
在时柱: 子女缘浅,个性也比较急燥。  



在年柱: 运势发展比较缓慢,通常要在中年期间才能开运。  
在月柱: 先天六亲疏远,年青时期开销较大,一生能得财运。特别注意!个性容易有退缩的毛病。   在日柱: 中年之后可以大展鸿图,具有相当生财能力。  
在时柱: 幼年期间身体较差,老年财运不错。  


甲日见申。乙日见酉。丙日见亥。丁日见子。戊日见亥。 己日见子。庚日见寅。辛日见卯。壬日见巳。癸日见午。 


女命:个性开朗,有时候因为语言、行为上表现得过于开放,所以很容易遭受诱惑;经常会因为喜欢而喜欢,所以婚姻缘份容易起变化。特别注意!感情上容易受骗,以致情海坎坷;最好婚姻晚成 、及嫁给年纪较长的男人,或可论吉。

在年柱: 身体状况较差,有相当保养的必要。
在月柱: 中年期间,事业将会有很大的转变;有人改行,有人创业,也有人失业。
在日柱: 年轻时候职业多变,中年而后大见吉顺安泰,很有发展。特别注意!一生必有大病一场,徘 徊于生死之间。
在时柱: 子女个性比较内向,要加强教育。

男命:最好晚婚。藏身跺影法   女命:要防初婚不顺。

在年柱: 一般而言,父母亲都具有相当的生财能力。  
在月柱: 中年以后,必定发生桃花情事之忧。  
在日柱: 六亲缘浅,夫妻难谐,多情致憾!  
在时柱: 家运圆满,事职安定。

女命:工作和婚缘,直到晚运方能够吉顺安详。为人多有洁癖,做事比较有拖泥带水现象,往往遇 事不能随机应变。传闻纳音集注法乃鬼谷子创汇,后由八字泰斗宋朝徐子平引述发扬。可藉以了解其人毕生之吉凶贫贱与荣枯。

--from my spouse case, indeed
在年柱: 个性比较内向,一生要防受到他人所拖累,甚至负债事生。此命生平多见凶兆,晚年亦显辛苦。 in reality he hardly talk to any one except his younger sister and nephew(or the unknown person), no friends, classmates. all the time help his family including unknown person. 晚年亦显辛苦--he worked till 69 and cant get rid of the unknown person indeed 辛苦的很
在月柱: 野心很大,往往有孤注一掷情形;总是不太喜欢脚踏实地的做事,造成一生当中会有破产的事发生。 in reality he wants a lot, wont listen but only his ways. when there is problem he wont identify and no patient to find out the truth but 随便乱说 非常任性的花钱.
在年柱负债,在月柱破产发生 at his 40s-50
在日柱: 此乃幸福、好运之命。
--in reality at 50, he married, 3 years later paied off all his credit cards debts, 57? paied off house mortgage in time otherwise became homeless live on the street cant find job any more during Bushs wars.
quite early when spouse told me he were short life because his parents died 60s, 70+, but this year 77 he still alive. he became healthy after married.

as myself:
在年柱: 其人生长于踏实的家庭。
--after married and comparing with spouse, agree my family is 踏实的家庭
在月柱: 工作多见辛劳,中年之后注意健康;男女缘份较差。
--in taiwan for my jobs i frequently would over nights to solve projects bugs as software leader then project leader(including hardware related). really worn out after married never had desire back to IT jobs.
in 2006 Nov as election judge was infected H1N1 and quite sick 2006-2009.
在日柱: 身体要加强保养
--obviously 2018(to 2020 in taiwan)-2023 quite easily infected and seemed 2006-today 抗生素, flu shot, didnt work for me. doctors cant find anything wrong. i would say 免疫力 deeply 下降.
since married the unknown person abuse my body and mental. ie 被夫(婚姻)克 年日支六冲
在时柱: 晚年注意加强人际关系,有孤独的暗示。命理诠真。
--孤独 due to usa society quite dangerous, would rather stay away others. myself wont feel 孤独 that quite busy enjoy ancestors stories and reading china news, novels...

ps 长生十二宫用法:日干与四柱地支
from "美脱口秀名嘴:美国才是挑起中美矛盾的一方--美国的敌人是军事工业集团带着数千亿乃至数万亿美元逃离美国"
U-Haul司机“想死”在布碌仑横冲直撞伤及8人 62岁亚裔男被捕 时间: 2023-02-13 12:51:29
--the worst is 想死的人 always tries to kill innocent people including their parents and other relatives. 想死的人 quite many in usa including young students. haaa my spouse also wanted to die when he suddenly got butt then left, later right and back to left leg unknown extreamly pain in 2015-2018. the unknown person steal then returned some weird things frequently happened also made him 想死.
i believe the psycho thief and abuser tries to slowly murder us by returned long expired foods.......
44岁华男在U-Haul卡车案中死亡 精神错乱亚裔男嫌嚷着“只撞坏人” 时间: 2023-02-14 11:33:08
【侨报纽约讯】周一(2月13日)上午,纽约市布碌仑(Brooklyn),62岁亚裔男子苏翁(Weng Sor,音译)驾驶一辆租来的U-Haul卡车一路狂飙,在湾脊区(Bay Ridge)和日落公园(Sunset Park)两个社区内的街道上、自行车道上和人行道上横冲直撞,致使1名华人受害者死亡,8人受伤。执法部门消息人士透露,该男子对警方说了一些令自己负罪的话,说他“只撞了坏人,没撞好人”(only ran over bad people---not good people),还嚷着叫警察向他开枪。据嫌犯家人表示,这名情绪错乱的男子有精神病史,不吃药时会有暴力行为。
--according to our female renter asked me to remind across street from taiwan take anxiety medicines or she would become very danger to others. the renter told me one of her family has the same problem so she can tell taiwan woman didnt take medicines.
till then i realized she is the anxiety patient because frequently didnt look normal behaviour.
this is why as renter destroyed our house and damaged all appliance and even fire place.
taiwan woman also sometimes 答非所问 or 莫名其妙不知 whats she tried to say. she wanted me drive for her because she would 走神 but we are busy repairing and clean yard and not everyday came.
i deeply suspect usa psychologists, family consultant may "随便"开 anxiety 药 (same as pain killers but black china). in usa you have to trust no one but knowing what caused and bother you so much, mysef transfered 注意力 sucessfully by focus on our ancestors story,wrote blog....
when spouse told me his younger nephew then changed to elder nephew(his sister told him) went to see psychologist i did suspet the younger until story changed to elder nephew and his sister husband already had sex with others before lived with spouse(before married and she also was alcholic) and after i forced them moved out, i also suspect she could have anxiety problem too. very likely did weird things to us for revenge.
for the unknown person abused me and frequently steal then returned some that is hardly happened to any one i knew. the family consultant believe my spouse deinied weird things happened. consultant wanted me take anxiety medicine very quickly. spouse 1st time actively visited female psychologist, she told spouse no need visited her again until i called her and told her very frequently the stolen things not in the house except some returned(most are expired foods, clothing/tools worn out, kitchen-related tools broken) after many months, years. so she wanted to see us by on-line visiting caused by to avoid covid-19 infection.
unfortuately we dont know how to use "zoom" for on-line chat.
earlier spouse found small size sweat corns disappeared.
2/10/2023 we watched china TV shows when finished suddenly a stolen blanket dumped on the ground in front of his safa, notebook table and next walker(nearby exit door), TV.
we watched shows but turned off light. it happened after he returned from bathroom(lights turned on) and watched the final one(lights off), till he got up (lights turned on, but i focus on my notebook copy investment related iformation,or reading novel) and toward to walker and exit door(he found it and told me).
2/11 spouse finally admitted to the theorpist (who has patience) that sweat corn cans disappeared(he didnt know who stole them so refused the things were stolen by the psycho thief). and weird blanket (returned) on ground.
when theorpist saying maybe blanket fell off i told him there is no other blanket there. some one put(dump back) there as i said the person in the house. when returned dump to the ground as same happened before. i saw more weird things than spouse.
late evening i did verify during watching TV shows with light off and his walker caused shadow cant see the person sneakly dump blanket on the ground from exit door.
certainly very little possibility if spouse hided the blanket under his sofa then dump on ground without himself knowing(memory snap?) or tried to tell me he did not the person.

from "习近平:要加快科技自强,解决外国“卡脖子”问题--加油!;中国北方最早石器装柄证据:从9万年前萨拉乌苏石器研究发现"
...华言侨语:中国延迟退休政策需通盘考虑 时间: 2023-02-12 02:03:00 来源: 侨报
编辑: 陆雨 作者: 杨雅乔...
...--in usa many years ago was up to 65岁, you can earlier as 62岁 退休, during wars it changed to 66岁(spouse age),66.5岁(my age)...; in the end spouse 69岁退休.
spouse paied taxes since 1965 19岁 (Medicare Began in 1966 till 2015 69岁退休).
with 8% interest from 65(66?) to 70 extension 退休 adding, his 1st year SSR 退休金 was $3019/mon worked as IT manager, you can see why i allured spouse to work till his 70岁.
Bushs wars hurt us the most(the next is Obama termiated his permanent job chance in 2008 before Christmas)because spouse became contractors and 1/2 salary went to HR agents who find jobs for contractors, and 2004(became contractor),2008-2009-2010,2011-2012 no jobs.
--if only if masters issue endless wars every one is forced to 延迟退休 including americans. ps 2/15/2023 i did plan spouse retire at 62 but Bushs wars destroyed it.
--the earlier face the truth the better, before i married i realize myself cant be busiessman-type so save every penny. Dont waste your hard working money, no need to buy expensive imported cosmetics, clothings, wine, 奶粉...
ps usa government, utility companies... cut off history records a lot.
Work Year Taxed Social Security Earnings Taxed Medicare Earnings
2016 $0 $0 spouse applied SSR at 70 $3019/mon=$36228/yr < in 1984
2015 $18,626 $18,626 spouse woke up insist retired in Feb-Mar (at his 69 year)
2014 $110,049 $110,049 promoted as S.V.P, haaa i allured him work to his 70 or cant convince other people his title is SVP.
2013 $94,021 $94,021 company was forced to offer V.P. permanent job as gorvernment project meeting must be employee.
2012 $56,519 $56,519
2011 $16,413 $16,413 cant find jobs
2010 $61,619 $61,619
2009 $24,544 $24,544 cant find jobs
2008 $86,320 $86,320 permanent job chance termiated before Christmas
2007 $81,275 $81,275
2006 $71,255 $71,255
2005 $72,023 $72,023
2004 $17,555 $17,555 lost permanent job and became contrctor
2003 $87,000 $190,485
2002 $84,900 $136,790
2001 $80,400 $132,357
2000 $76,200 $135,518
1999 $72,600 $117,406
1998 $68,400 $125,071
1997 $65,400 $135,803 spouse already broke, married me
1996 $62,700 $126,791
1995 $61,200 $95,716
1994 $60,600 $90,287
1993 $57,600 $81,275
1992 $55,500 $76,635
1991 $53,400 $59,332
1990 $51,299 $51,299
1989 $48,000 $48,000
1988 $45,000 $45,000
1987 $43,800 $43,800
1986 $41,999 $41,999
1985 $39,600 $39,600
1984 $37,800 $37,800 ps SSR $36228 in 2016
1983 $35,700 $35,700
1982 $32,400 $32,400
1981 $29,700 $29,700
1980 $25,900 $25,900
1979 $22,900 $22,900
1978 $17,700 $17,700
1977 $16,500 $16,500
1976 $15,300 $15,300
1975 $14,100 $14,100
1974 $12,375 $12,375
1973 $10,491 $10,491
1972 $2,824 $2,824 uni. student
1971 $25 $25 uni. student
1970 $427 $427 uni. student
1969 $2,097 $2,097 army summon
1968 $4,333 $4,333 army summon
1967 $1,691 $1,691
1966 $1,249 $1,249
1965 $397 Medicare Began in 1966 spouse was at 19
Note Social Security Earnings is limited by rules, few years spouse salary > Social Security Earnings
ps 2/13/2023 the poverty line in 2022 is $41,500 for a one-person household
the federal poverty level (FPL) for a family of 1 is $14,580, 2 is $19,720 in 2023,
formular:$14,580+$5140xN(extra members)

qualify for federal aid for 2023: 2022 federal poverty level $26200 x (1+N)(N:extra members) $26200-$52400 for 2
the federal poverty level (FPL) for a family of 1 is $13,590, 2 is $18,310 in 2022,
formular:$13590+$4720xN(extra members)

LIHEAP are set at 150% of the federal poverty income level. For a household of four, the income limit is $39,750.

What is the federal poverty level for a family of 4?
For a family of four, that range is from $26,200 to $104,800. You don’t qualify for federal aid for 2022 if you make more than four times the 2020 federal poverty level for your household size. For a couple that amount is $68,960. Households with more than 8 people should add $4,480 per person.
--you see how complex usa rules. we wont know 2022 income until file tax in 2023.
on line google search cant find the federal poverty level (FPL) in 2020
i suspect we should qualify for federal aid in 2022 and 2023. and when spouse as contractor especially cant find jobs years(2004,2009,2011,2015?).
ps 2022 Federal Poverty Guidelines
Number of People in Household 48 States & DC Alaska Hawaii
One $13,590 $16,990 $15,630
Two $18,310 $22,890 $21,060
2021 Federal Poverty Guidelines
Number of People in Household 48 States & DC Alaska Hawaii
One $12,880 $16,090 $14,820
Two $17,420 $21,770 $20,040
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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