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基金 炒股 理财都不香了,他们决定提前还房贷--my experiences9 5/9/22 loss -$142,002.87+ since 9/4/2021
2022/05/10 23:12:12瀏覽50|回應0|推薦0
5/10/2022 just spent time to verify our investment company found out they did offer some good functions (but only for last 2 years that is not enough for clients analysis and make decision to buy or sell). 基金 炒股 理财都不香了,他们决定提前还房贷--my experiences loss -$142,002.87+ 2022-05-10 ps which not included any 9/4/2021 to 5/9/2022 generated dividends and interest. in the past market deeply down would soon jump back but not any more since 9/4/2021. 基金、炒股、理财都不香了,他们决定提前还房贷 2022年05月08日 17:51 来源:中新经纬 --very good and be responsible. step by step and using money management app to help you plan well. my suggestion : must living with your budget make sure income > expenses if can income - expenses > $0 then return credit card debts asap if any left(income - expenses- credit card debts >$0) or paied off credit cards debts then 还房贷 as much as you can. a saving account for 3-6mm your salary amount in case job loss or emergency needs. Now you have no pressure can prepare for your retiring savings : a small portion in stock/mutual funds investment especially if you knew very little however i would suggest CD because you knew clearly. Annuity if interest rate higher than CD but you know it is long term investment or penalty. try to buy fix interest with min. rate guarantee. stay away those complex because the agent cant explain how it calculated even if tell you its a liar, it never comes out what you think it is. ps when china bank offered CD 4-5% interest rate i already remind chinese it is very good rate to buy, but people are greedy so many didnt catch it. i mentioned in usa i caught the chance and very carefully selected few companies bond 5-7% that made us went thru Bush caused horrible stocks market deeply down years. that rate never happened again but almost 0% for many years. i also warned china banks to make sure can offer 5% because usa many banks fell down. i did bought couple annuity with 3% guarantee rate but keep mind it never went up even contract declared min. 3%. when CD rate down to almost 0% i am glad i bought annuity with 3%. the last annuity we bought i am very regret as cheated by agent that i did spent 2 hrs with him who explained how it calculated but he lied and gave us another kind annuity. years later we received adv. from the agent 7%(9% adv?) small loan related business investment which scared me a lot fortunately in time closed it, because statements very weird. then we received a court fraud claim. since then I stop invest, except spouse RIRA account bought mutual funds now he realized why i tried to stop him. ps the final one spouse bought 4/15/2011 $9.2 which is the one down $7.72 on 5/9/2022. 4/29/2011 is the only day unit price up $9.23 since than never higher than $9.20 the worst it is re-invest RIRA with 4/15/2011 one time small amount original $4130.48 if you dont understand the monthly statements then never invest(this is how i in time terminated and got money back that agent 7%(9% adv?) case. 6. if you still have money and if invest fails wont cause your problem then you can buy stock and trace the company performance. if you believe mutual funds can avoid one egg break you lose all then just buy one to see whether you understand the statement if not better stop. so far most mutual funds we bought the unit price never recovered since Bush bloody wars. one stock the company frequently bought other companies then spin-off i woud say very bad cant trace how much loss. ps i did stop spouse to invest and reinvest mutual funds that 2? were fell down (liquidated) since Obama and now 4 down below $10/unit. some the unit price never increse(up and down) but lower than we bought. however i would suggest can invest china companies but the older the less percentage. i wont recommand usa companies because very bad presidents you never know which small business be hurt by each usa president issued the wars. i believe some one stole our core cash? money that didnt transfer to another company managed solidiate accounts. Buy chinas at least you have chance to chase back. i bet most small companies related mutual funds are deeply down caused by Trump,Baiden. I saw a news Baiden issue another punishment at Russia, do we know which mutual funds should sell out because some companies business related Russia or Russian-america running? definitely NOT. this is why i advice you DO NOT buy usa mutual funds. Today is Russia who knows the next pity conutry be punished. However chinese should invest china companies and do not sell if it is master on purpose destroy certain china companies. only that employees wont be laid off and companies can survive by chinese buy china products not malicious bad countries. i think japanese seemed quite support their companies. some chinese work for usa companies would black and attack china companies, it should stop. ps 投资者担心美联储加息走太远,美股下跌空间还有多少? 2022年05月10日 10:04 来源:第一财经参与互动参与互动 --very badly for those not huge funds companies and international mutual funds in usa stock markets. our 4 of 9 mutual funds unit price under $10, the worst is $4.49 (bought 7/28/2006 $5.51 11/25/2008 $3.25 8/22/2018 $6.5 12/31/2019 $5.98) $7.72(bought 2/1/2000 $11.74, 6/14/2002 $7.72 12/15/2008 $5.65 12/31/2019 $8.96) ps MS deleted manual data since 6/29/2018 got problem-5/7/2022 finally auto deleted fixed(no confidence). $7.83 $9.96. will they survive or fall down? i would say very high risk falling down because Baiden war wont quit. it worse than Bush wars that i didnt hear blocakded Afghen, Iraq... (nor Russia, China) but stole their oil. Baiden cant steal Russia oil(except force his group buy usa, canada oil) but no ending blocakde Russia, China this and that. Bush issued the war in 2001 till 2008 economic crashed, 2(?) of our mutual funds liquidated. Baiden war not yet 6 mm. but usa medias wouldnt report how many companies fell and falling down. Trump was not recovered but not horrible down. i would say only Trump group and Baiden group made lots money in their "selected" investment stocks or mutual funds. ours those over $10 most not recovered but now half down except few stocks did recovered then down. ps due to auto deleted by MS since 6/29/2018 not sure any recovered after 6/29/2018. if Baiden makes our investment liquidated i definitely stop spouse vote him and i would vote Trump if no better comes out, i dont trust 马斯克 as businessman involved the war twice already, wont be a qualified president but very dangerous issue out of space war. i began agreed spouse 2 times investment totally failed before we married and didnt want to save money but spent all to enjoy life because every usa president wont manage indoors business but very busy issue bloody wars. our investment most didnt recover since Bushs wars then Baiden made it much worse because purchased unit price half down: the worst 3/13/2000 bought $133.57 5/9/2022 $11 it never increase but down did up 2004-2007(12/6 $102.16) over $100,4/27/2018 $107.6 12/31/2019 $102 then 5/9/2022 $11 another 2/22/2007 bought $14.21 7/28/2006 $20.68 12/31/2019 $13.42 5/9/2022 $12.29 very few others :2/26/2007 bought $23.03 9/10/2018 $33.277 12/31/2019 $32.64 5/9/2022 $29.93 ps 5/12/2022 our Insurance company seemed cut off on line chat that help me a lot because hardly understand other immigrations converstaion(in here are mexicans not from Indo) even spouse has difficulty. i was told by clinic no copay, no referal needed for 1st time intake appointment. however cant find how to one line chat which in the past very easy. so i called and insuarance lady cant answear but transfered failed so told me must get referal. our primary doctor clinic also quite busy i worried whether in time get referal for tomorrow appointment. so i called the clinic tried to cancel but again they are busy too. i saw a news insuarnce company, hospital all got huge pressure money loss. ps 美股连跌,市值一天蒸发超2.1万亿美元,跌到10月才结束? 时间: 2022-05-10 09:45:26 来源: 中新财经 编辑: 李明 【侨报网讯】....这一轮美股熊市或到10月才能结束? 面对股市下挫,Sanctuary Wealth首席投资官JeffKilburg认为,这是重大的资产重新定价,也是严重失衡,而这是由联储会政策刺激和推动的。“我认为股市短期内见底、市场复苏的唯一途径是,联储会是否有能力利用其工具箱中的工具来稳定利率。10年期国债收益率需要回到3%以下。” 美国银行全球研究首席投资策略师Michael Hartnett的最新报告指出,投资者将在2022年大部分时间里经受通胀、利率和衰退冲击。借鉴美股历史的熊市数据,这一轮股市熊市将在2022年10月19日结束,届时标普500指数和纳斯达克指数将分别触及3000点和10000点。 “股市近来波动加剧,可能是由于市场加息预期偏乐观,目前虽然排除75基点的加息,但并不排除未来持续多次加息的可能。关于股市未来一年的趋势,由于流动性(加息、缩表)和企业利润下降的双重压力,2022年可能发生阶段性下跌。”天风证券副总裁郭胜北认为。..... --wait to see how low unit price would become from 5/9 $4.49 and any more down to unit price under $10. how long it will recover? Bush wars made more than 13 years, some over 22 years never recovered (the one $133 12/31/2019 $102 then down to $11 punished by Baiden?). ps 5/11/2022 today down -$6165.13 and wiped off yesterday 5/10 $1,662.46 Up. that is usa market is very weak, up a bit down a lot. very weird master doesnt have qualified team to analize and figure out why Baiden turned market so badly and take actions so slow. Baiden came to ILL tried to comfort farmers and encouraged them to cover the gap and lower down the price. he cant see the key point at all. how long can native grocery stores offer on-sale price $0.99 for each, per Lb whenever Baiden got bad news? 到10月 before election? 5/10 Dow32,160.74-84.96 Down -0.26% NASDAQ11,737.67+114.42 Up +0.98% S&P 500 4,001.05+9.81 Up +0.25% 10 Year T-Note2.99-0.09 Down -2.93% ->2.98-0.01 Down -0.35% Real-time quotes 5/11/2022 Dow31,834.11-326.63 Down -1.02% NASDAQ11,364.23-373.43 Down -3.18% S&P 5003,935.18-65.87 Down -1.65% 10 Year T-Note2.89-0.01 Down -0.65% Real-time quotes 美股大跌,特斯拉跌逾9% 2022年05月10日 09:50 来源:中国新闻网参与互动参与互动   中新财经5月10日电 (谢艺观)当地时间9日,美股三大股指再受重挫。截至收盘,道指跌1.99%报32245.70点,纳指跌4.29%报11623.25点,标普500指数跌3.2%报3991.24点,失守4000点大关,为2021年4月以来首次。   大型科技股全线走低,特斯拉跌9.07%,亚马逊跌5.21%,奈飞跌4.35%,苹果跌3.32%,Meta跌3.71%,微软跌3.69%。   热门中概股亦多数下跌,新东方跌16.39%,爱奇艺跌10.9%,哔哩哔哩跌9.83%,百度跌8.68%,拼多多跌8.48%,京东跌8.22%,阿里巴巴跌5.79%。(完) 【编辑:张尼】 ps 5/9 got a scam called as: Debby • Posted 08 Jan 2021 Fake police officer M • Posted 06 May 2021 Actual 911 county police in DesPlaines , IL me Posted 09 May 2022:it saying "your student loan is(was?) forgiven..." but we dont have any kind loan. the thing bothered me why called for nothing that i tried call back but immediately hanged off, so whats good for calling us? ps i was worried whether the one stole my SS card, driver licence and used my credit card also applied (fake)student loan so i called police but again was advice on line reporting which didnt work either. then called city of elgin and was told the on line website not yet ready which i tried over hour and it wont accept text file but picture-type JPEG as foloowing:

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