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南大碎尸案回顾:遗憾!女孩被“碎尸万段”,凶手至今仍未抓获--rapers near by me never caught
2020/07/06 06:02:36瀏覽116|回應4|推薦0
南大碎尸案回顾:遗憾!女孩被“碎尸万段”,凶手至今仍未抓获 2020-06-27 09:37
--if she was really quite carefully type then very likely the killer she knew, or the killer carried weapon abduct her.
in 2010? one of female was raped at home, the raper followed her when she returned from swimming pool to her house(both of us nearby the pond, 7? houses right of us, our house is more closer to the pool) even i worked in yard side didnt see. 2? year later they moved out never heard the raper was caught. the policemen did knock and inquired our area but no one see anything.
when i was in USC 1983? a car followed me but i succeeded get rid of the car in midnight(i walked to the living place from school computer room).
while my previous roomate her younger sister was raped in school dormitory the raper never was caught.
in 1981? i worked for Fu-Zen university computer center as TA, one day i went to pee and heard unusual noice when i came out found a short young man used a knief(small size) who already tried to rape another girl in toilet (who worked same as mine), i helped her get rid of the raper(why would i afraid of a small size knief). accoeding to the girl when i saw the raper who just tried to run away because of me.
in the mean while i passed the 特考 and the raper not yet be caught so i resigned then was assigned to TFC.
when i was in high school 1976? one of my classmate was raped and killed nearby her home, she was short, skinny but studied very well.
( 時事評論社會萬象 )
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2020/07/11 20:33
五角大楼怎么都没想到,美国本土竟沦为战区!至少136人被射杀 2020-07-11 15:10
--in chicago exist KKK, aly black hands party (意大利黑手党). the worst there are the black working for KKK. i would say this is why the black killed the black.
i don't think 联邦政 can 抓捕这些犯罪分子 especiLly if KKK involved. as for 意大利黑手党 some became small city mayors for long time. it also quite hard.

2020/07/11 15:38
贵州公交车坠湖事件15人在医院救治,司机有心理疾病?所属公司回应… 2020-07-08 21:08
--if he didn't have any bad records in past 20+ years then his 心理疾病 might caused by
1. in 公交车 some clients talking loudy, too much noice. it could verify with survivors.
2. his family got financial problem or bad relationship with spouse?
3. the company might lay-off or else. i'm not familier with 驾驶员 carrier, could be for some reason he didn't get promotion/bonus..?
most time such 心理疾病 issued came from the family. however tried to drag clients together that could be related to the company.

2020/07/09 19:07
"放下" is not easy, my 2nd brother didn't, i can't because the psycho never stop. however i learnt one thing to transfer my "sticking to the bad memory especially when i see those long time disappeared then return. as i mentioned before i studied our ancestors 预测-related then china wtiters history-related novels... . i also tried to "balance" such as i stop clean the house to avoid see  those things gone, i even don't want to see those things returned. no good but all bad memories.
yes, our house right now is not neat but so what? much less fightings except whenever need something and it stolen made job impossible.
the only way is to reduce go out so no need to looking for clothing/hat/gloves ...to wear while already stolen without knowing.
unfortunately the parents love their good daughter very likely don't want stop thinking of her. so would be more difficult. the best way is to find something elsde to do such as take exercises, repairing their old house.... sing the songs.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-10 17:00 回覆:

my spouse always tries to convince me if anything wrong just do/pay what government tell you such as :

you did nothing wrong but IRS insist you have to pay the late penalty with quite high interest charges.

if the real estate tax mis-calculated by chicago officer/service then just pay it.

i didn't listen to him then IRS traced me for 3 years that bank submit IRA contribution as RIRA. and we spent train tickets money to chicago for nothing changes.

when the IRS declared they never keeps tax payers mailed envelope, i gave up dispution just paied the late penalty with a year interest charge.

I tried very hard to forget it. i can see why i felt my spouse was abused. when i upset the psycho stole things so every time job can't be done. he always declared it's not him. right in the beginning i believe the 3rd person did to us, but he declared no one came to our house just us. i knew i didn't do it so he made me suspect he did.

many times i inquired him why he is so sure no 3rd person that we have 2 set house keys and no matter we let locksmith replaced, one set always gone which never returned.

banks safety box keys also stolen. i have to pay bank the lost key when closed the box.

he is a weido no wonder he declared every time something disappeared, his company would suspect him because he did the same way--cover for the stealing person that he didn't with the suspect when it happened.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-10 17:11 回覆:
Charvat v. Resort Marketing Group, Inc. et al.
July 1, 2020 Update
The Settlement payments are estimated to be mailed around August 7, 2020
ps Due to the very large number of valid claims filed, the average payout to consumers will be approximately $20. As the Court notes in its opinion, many class members were misled by media accounts that they would receive $900 in this settlement. This was never the case.
--haaa i already gave up when : March 31, 2020 Update
Several consumers objected to the approved settlement and have taken an appeal to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. The conclusion of the case will be delayed for an unknown period of time until the appeal is resolved.
--my spouse didn't want to see me looking for long time ago the bill statements to prove we are the victim suffering millions calling. fortunately found the old statement. i told him we might get $900 it is worth to spend lots time.
but it turned out $20.

2020/07/08 19:56
章莹颖留下的空白:父亲想“报仇”母亲很少外出  中国网 2020-07-08 11:11:50
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-08 19:56 回覆:
--when i saw the news about 辩护女律师握手, tried to offer money for the killer's girlfriend, even thanks to the killer's father, i tried to warn :it is not usa way, don't give money to the killer's girlfriend. i even can't figure out why thanks to the killer's father, why shake hands with killer's lawyer, why thanks to the court... they all are guilty not deserve your polite at all. usa system is the bastards heaven who can do anything without fear.
i even don't think if such thing happened in china the victim's father would do the same thing as he did especially the killer didn't feel guilty at all.
i even wanted to advice :request the killer pay money in the court why consider how poor he is? he has car, appartment, rich parents...
at least make him broken 1st.
only that can make you feel better in stead of fill with "hatred mind" can't come out now(very likely you hate yourself why shaked hands with the killer's lawyer).  it's no good to your family life.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-08 19:56 回覆:

--better burnt it, the less you see those her things the better for him. his wife or son should do the job for him even he would be very upset.
--try to rent/sell the house and move to cheaper place before too late.
do not too emotion.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-08 19:57 回覆:
--she was very good daughter but unfrtunately not careful enough....
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-08 19:57 回覆:
--the question is she did 提醒女儿注意安全 but no use. from what i saw in taiwan 2000 that usa spy the white was very easily got taiwan naive young girls "attention" without knowing he "humiliated" them.
ps he accused us should not came out to force dirty LDW down. All i can say it caused by blindly 崇拜白洋人.
even frequently i visited china websites saw most adv. photos would be 白种人 babies, 白种人模特, 美式别墅....
--if still sink in the past, it would be worse and worse. (i would say they tried to hurt themselves for certain reason)
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-08 19:58 回覆:
--who you going to 报仇? did your wife be qualified “低保” conditions? if she is not are you going to hurt "上面"? are you going to 报仇 whoever recomand your daughter to study in UIC?
your daughter can turn down but we all knew every one wants to catch the chance either can have chance long stay in usa or can be promoted when return to china.
--no one can help you, unless you walk out by yourself. i knew very well about your situation. because after i married i also suffered the weird thing s happen to me(body been abused and frequently things disappeared, yeaqrs later some returned(including foods-related), many don't.
each time i complaints to my relatives they won't believe at all. i really hated my spouse to the death because it's his side serious problems.
all i can think is he is abused and became psycho liars abuser(could have 2nd personal characteristic) or something he can't tell at all.
we did spent money visited 心理咨询师的辅导, who believed i should take anxiety medicines but i rejected because i knew it's not my problem.
until she inquired my spouse why not listened to me to dead lock garage door to reduce the frequently stealing/returned problems, and he agreed. so i thought the problem would be solved but it's not at all.
till today still happens. i learnt close my eyes, not to clean the dishes so won't upset this and that dishes, glasses, pots disappeared then many days later show up. my spouse did dish wash and i clean the toilet... those can't disappear.
Try to find balance for yourself.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-08 19:58 回覆:
when i realized my brothers/sister are very lucky didn't marry abused spouse that's why they won't understand and since then i never complaints to them, but keep alert especially my foods in refrigerator.
i never recommand any relatives/friends to come usa or marry to americans. because many were abused then became abuser, they are not normal and very selfish, not even have guts to tell the truth.
was the killer ever abused? some serious killers just for their fun that made them excited to cover for their incapable and failure.
--your lawyer misguided you toward wrong way. the lawyer should know that is usa system. that is the way usa is. Much worse than in China. yes, very few cases can get 损失的钱 as victim. but better keep in mind those very few cases are 神话, won't happen to you.
my 2nd brother because blindly believed 神话 he spent 3 years not working to sued the company unfair treated him. a quite smart person became a burden to our family in the end because his failure. whose fault? he won't listen to my sister advice "要放下".
you still have wife and son and yourself future, don't sink forever.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-08 19:59 回覆:
--the best way is to make a listing, no matter in usa or in china. all we heard is free lawyer service, free school dormitory, free voluntary help looking for the victim.
i don't like their 攻击 either, they can do better such as send a representaive to find out.
--the question is why you waste the 募捐 if yourself need "money"? 泰拉 did what she should do. she triggered the killer because her sex with other man.
in usa you have to know it's not our chinese culture, your 基金会 donation means nothing to the usa school. Besides the school did sort of help in the beginning.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-08 19:59 回覆:
--usa movie/Tv shows made the world people assume usa professional 心理 doctors every where. but it is not the truth. our family 心理咨询 quite honest told me very few in usa and ILL definitely don't have one.
i did spend time to search on line and i wrote emails to describe our problems and none response because they can't help. most dealing with drugs, kids abused or marriage problems.
the worst those abuser/killer won't tell the truth or continue visiting 心理咨询. when we 1st time to visit 心理咨询, the office provided brocure that patients "must tell the truth".
why the killer switched 心理咨询师 and only visited twice.
--No. keep for yourself. however it also proved the 募捐 is enough.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-08 20:00 回覆:
--better focus on your 还清欠债 1st, sell or rent your current house.
今年4月,章荣高戴着口罩从福建跑去山东,特地感谢“神笔警探 ”林宇辉。3年前寻找犯罪嫌疑人时,美国警方邀请林宇辉,根据模糊监控画面,画出了嫌疑人画像帮助破案。章荣高说,这件事在自己心里存很久了。去年从美国参加庭审回来,他“花了一段时间缓过来”,不巧又赶上了疫情。林宇辉和济南爱心企业分别捐款1万元缓解章家的经济困难。
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-08 20:00 回覆:
--it's time to let it go. time can cure/forget those bad memories.
however it taught china people a lesson, China is much safe than other countries especially usa.
unless you have talents and knew how to protect yourself, there is no need to come to usa. most students just waste money and time in usa.
parents also should know whether their kids deserve their hard working money, savings. in the old time most came to usa studying didn't use their parents money by working few years 1st or get scholarship.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-09 15:50 回覆:

i knew it must be very painful to lose quite good daughter, i really hope can help the father walk out from very bad memory.

i expect the reporter can try to tell the father that the killer also allured other female students they quite carefully not fell the killer trap.

the more he understand that his girl in wrong time took the wrong ride caused her fate. usa court and judges caused by the quite suck system so he can't get any 损失 make-up.

that is the way usa is. i really hope the truth can help him out. do not take any bad actions in china or he would lose his whole family future.

i adviced they move out and burnt all her clothings... because the more things in the house would trigger them thinking of their pity daughter. their daughter don't want destry the family by her death.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-09 16:02 回覆:

china reporters/medius did quite good jobs and reporting as much as they can, the question is will young kuds frequently reading reported foreign countries news? many china kids "love" to stay in other countries even can't find a decent jobs or no studying talents most of them just try to run away their duties and not much pressure in other countries but squeeze out as much as they can from their pity parents for their lousy, enjoyable life in foreign countries.

unfortunately those good kids spend too much time in their books, jobs hardly pay attention what happened in the real foreign countries. they forget to protect themselves well in other countries especially usa.

when nothing happened to you, usa indeed made people thought it is God blessed places until too late.

i was lucky didn't listen to my spouse warning south of chicago beyond china town is very dangerous until by accident reading news which showing yearly gun-shot mudered cases yearly in chicago area. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-09 16:11 回覆:

correc: i was lucky my spouse always warned me but didn't listen to him until 3 years later read the news....

when he droved other places if saw any black begged for money or the outside rail roads/bridge/houses ..outside paintings (in fact i like to watch the paintings) he must immediately to check whether the doorwindows deadlock and drove very fast. 

when he saw the gun-stores must immediately turn back not going forward espeically suburb.

never join people together or watching usa police doing the arrested.

trust me in the beginning i quite disagree with him until the news i read which i was shocked over 400+ gun-shot cases, average every day must some victims killed.

now even china town became quite dangerous place, it toward north, west.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2020-07-09 16:17 回覆:
i strong remember my spouse had no desiring drive around UIC area. i was upset and he told me when he studied in UIC and waited BUS stop station in person he suffered those bastards tried to hurt and robbed him. when i insist to visited his UIC school, he kept pushed me end the journey and certain places forbid me to wlaking around because bad things happened in school yard too.