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一小时售罄国债抢购风依然火爆--3年年利率4.0%;5年4.27% hope i can buy in usa
2018/05/12 03:20:49瀏覽65|回應1|推薦0

一小时售罄 国债抢购风依然火爆  来源:钱江晚报 记者 潘

--much better than usa. quite envy china people.

during Bush's bloody wars i found out many cities broken and saw local government sold out the dept. made money. that reminds me my taiwan company(K&C) sold out the made money dpet(running parking tower,仓贮 system...related), 5? years later the company fell down and myself and pity sister who bought company's stocks because me lost all our invest money.  same things happen to usa government. so we never have desire to buy usa 国债s. 

( 時事評論 )
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2018/06/03 09:42
  中新网5月10日电 美国侨报网近日编译刊文称,一项新出炉的调查发现,美国人正变得越来越紧张、焦虑,其中一个主要原因是担心自己的财务问题。学者强调,大众有必要通过定期锻炼、放松、健康饮食以及与朋友家人的交流,来缓解压力影响。
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-06-03 09:47 回覆:

对此,APA总裁艾佛雷特(Anita Everett)博士表示:“此项民调显示,美国成年人对健康、安全和财政状况越来越感到担忧。而压力和焦虑的增加会显著影响人们生活的许多方面,包括他们的心理健康和庭”

--when Bush issued bloody wars many 婴儿潮一代 very envy those retired including us, finally my spouse retired so 千禧一代 quite envy retired/retiring  婴儿潮一代. it looks like worse and worse in usa, if not Bush's bloody wars would be Trump's economic wars.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-06-03 10:10 回覆:

Last year i decided invest $25000 in 1st global which lends money to small business thru my spouse anuunity company agent that declared 8% returned. because old time bad experiences i requested more details about how they did the business. but then for protect their business so cancel their clients names which made me very nervous because i wouldn't know how their clients staus, would be hit by nature diasters... when i saw our neighbourhood stores shut down then decided terminate the investment. 

just received the last portion our money, felt so released. the only one i did the best invest without losing money except earlier i invested 6-8% CDs. however i won't continue without knowing who are their clients.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-06-03 10:33 回覆:

last year i felt our old lady neighbour seemed not doing well, this year the gardner mower guy reduced the frequecny for her and ours. a month ago she told me her doctor issued order to do physical theorpy. whenevr bad weather i helped her to pick up mails and garbage/recycle tanks. i told her whenevr she needs help just leave tanks outside i would do for her.

my spouse this time got more physical theorpy sessions(18 or over 100?) and very likely $20 copay(I hope so). indeed much less pain but still can't move his leftside toes. he also got permanet handicaped parking this year. 

Last year when we paied yearly warm water for exercise. i did invite our old lady joined for free driving but she didn't. both have diabetti and over weigh problems(both tried to reduce the weights but too late for their legs).

she has a financial expert managed her money, but very likely not so great. no one knows what mutual funds suffered Trump's economic wars because we hardly knew mutual funds business-clients such as Sears-type.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2018-06-03 10:48 回覆:
this year the gardner mower guy reduced the frequecny for her and ours....
--yesterday we drived around to look for cheap barbershop(the hair cut price jump to %17-$22) and found many yards just like us--grass higher caused by reduced the frequecny mower.
finally we paied $10 (cash) for each for hair cut without wash, we have not much hairs.