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貼紙: 跑在路上的圖像政治學
2006/02/04 03:57:41瀏覽1431|回應3|推薦10

政治符號無所不在。政治學裏有門叫「圖像政治學」 (political symbolism) 玩意兒。如果看倌們好奇硬要問「圖像政治學」啥內容 ? 如何定義 ? 功能為何 ? 一連串有文化的大哉問,那我只能套用已過世前美國聯邦最高法院大法官 Potter Stewart 對色情作品的說法「 I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material [pornography] . . . but I know it when I see it. 」 來回答。因為呢,圖像政治學就像色情作品,它是一種象徵,也是一種表達,涉及基本自由人權及財產擁有權,可透過多元載體傳遞,形式千變萬化,運用存乎一心。用的妙,言簡意賅,發人深省;用的不當,就像最近丹麥《日德蘭郵報》、挪威《 Magazinet 》雜誌,刊登轉載涉及褻瀆、污衊及詆譭回教穆罕默德聖人的漫畫,《華盛頓郵報》登截肢美國大兵及侖斯斐醫生漫畫,捅馬蜂窩,人人喊打,叮滿頭包,就不快樂了 !!!

開車跑公路,我喜歡讀小轎車的保險桿、車體貼紙。因為它是反映政治的符號之一。不同地域,貼紙呈現不同問題,反映不同風俗民情,自處態度。有人對這種貼紙,或一切圖像表達很反感,會不爽棒棍砸車。我可愛這種有趣輿情呈現,開車不無聊,還能長知識。總的說, Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself 。分享最近外出路上看到的有趣貼紙,就不整句翻譯了。

貼紙篇 :

If you don't like my attitude, stop looking at my Stickers!

Why Are You Staring At My Bumper!? You Pervert! (車桿 Bumper 又名 「 屁股 」 ,盯人屁股 ,還能不是色鬼嗎? )

女人篇 :

God made us sisters, Prozac made us friends. ( Prozac 是抗憂鬱藥,又叫 「百憂解」 ,這是在 Saab 車上看到的,這輛車又是停在家生機店的停車場,我說車主肯定是民主黨選民 )

So many men, so few who can afford me. ( 哈哈 !!!)

If they don ’ t have chocolate, I ain ’ t going. ( 情人節到,又見巧克力 !)

CAUTION! I can go from 0 to BITCH in 2.5 seconds. (翻臉如翻書,2.5秒完成)

Men are giving more leeway to be less perfect, Women are expected to be thin and gorgeous.

政治 :

Bush is for lawn ornament. (04 美總統大選時最熱的貼紙 )

Some where in Texas there’s a village missing an idiot. ( 這是俗語 Village idiot 變型,創意十足 )

Bipartisanship: I’ll hug your elephant if you kiss my ass. (我最喜歡的跨黨派註解 )

Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after. (車主八成是 Libertarian)

Invest in America. Buy a Congressman! (在 DC 看到這張貼紙,酷吧 !!!)

Don ’ t steal, government hates competition. (政府做獨門生意,那容競爭呢 ?)

Taxation WITH representation sucks, either.

Born Free. . . . .Taxed to Death. ( 在新罕布夏看到的,恨死繳稅 !!!)

If you are Born Again, Do you have Two Belly Buttons? (嘲笑像布希這種重生基督徒,嘿嘿嘿,是不是兩個肚臍眼啊 )

啤酒 :

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder . ( 情人眼中出西施,醉漢眼中,當然出啤酒啦。不信,問 K酒仙就知道了。 )

Don't drink and drive...You might hit a bump and spill it.

I'm not as think as you drunk I am. ( 哈哈哈 )

動物 :

I love animals, they TASTS great.
I love cats they taste like CHICKEN.
( 死老美,嚐啥都說像雞肉。 )

I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian. ( 肉食動物耶 )

The more people I meet, the more I like my dog. ( 這是在一個 Biker 摩托車上看到的 )

地球篇 :
EARTH FIRST! We'll stripmine the other planets later.

家庭子女 :

Be nice to your kids...They will pick out your nursing home. ( 鄰居老公公的新貼紙 )

I am not a bum. My wife works! ( 同事的車體貼紙,他老婆可是大醫師呢 !!!)

She's always late. Her ancestors arrived on the Juneflower. ( 哈哈哈 ,六月花 )

"I is a college student." ( 別打我 ,我文法不好,這是我的車體貼紙。 )

道路篇 :

If you can read this, I can hit my brakes and sue you.

I'm not driving FAST-   just flying LOW.

If everything is coming your way, you ’ re in the wrong lane!

"Cover me. I'm changing lanes."

Don't follow me. I'm lost too. (這是鄰居老爺車上貼紙。 )

As a matter of fact, I do own the road.  (他太太車上保險桿貼紙。真是一對寶!!! )

I'm a nice guy. My car is evil.

I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather... Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car ... ( 在 New Jersey Turnpike 上看到的 )

Honk if you've never seen an Uzi fired from a car window ( 這是我在一個港仔吉普車上看到的,好小子,出了停車場還趕抄我的車,不要命哩 !!! 下次讓你吃血滴子 !!!)

I'm looking for the right pedestrian to run over.

I brake suddenly for MOOSE!!! (標準的 animal lover 貼紙)


BAD COP! - NO DONUT!!! (美國警察伯伯不喝咖啡配多拿滋難到要啃雞腿嗎?)

Hello, officer. Put it on my tab. (當然得計帳了)

( 時事評論政治 )
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2006/05/05 16:45

I is James.

Me firs time hear.

Wicked, u'r blog is kool.

Will be back.

2006/02/08 05:12

2006/02/06 00:20
最近流行Box in與 Jack in the Box.