角色: 馬賽爾 Macel, the Narrator
原型: 普魯斯特自己, 但整本書只在"女囚"中提到過一次主角的名字, 其他時候不是說"我", 就是"M."
The Narrator's Name : The narrator of the novel identifies himself only as "M." However, the narrator suggests that his name is Marcel, as the following paragraph in the fifth volume (The Captive) indicates.
~~~The uncertainty of awakening revealed by her [Albertine's] silence was not at all revealed in her eyes. As soon as she was able to speak she said: "My——" or "My dearest——" followed by my Christian name, which, if we give the narrator the same name as the author of this book, would be 'My Marcel,' or 'My dearest Marcel.'~~~
角色特色: 有時旁觀有時加入, 有時又彷彿看不見的隱藏式攝影機; 敘述之外, 也作分析, 反省
Marcel's debut:我讓敍述者取了個跟本書作者一樣的名字,所以這稱呼是“我的馬塞爾”或“我親愛的馬塞爾”
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