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2008/03/29 07:05:50瀏覽696|回應0|推薦6 | |
薄瑞光來台對照了夏馨以前只想跟豎仔扁搞三捻七!!!! 薄瑞光會馬:台美關係未來四年會很好 ![]() AIT主席薄瑞光今天拜訪總統當選人馬英九,薄瑞光表示,他來看馬英九是帶來美國對馬英九最好的祝福,關於...看新聞原文 薄瑞光會馬:台美關係未來四年會很好 薄瑞光:美樂見兩岸關係改善 ![]() 美國在台協會主席薄瑞光今天表示,馬英九當選新任台灣總統,確實為兩岸關係帶來希望。他也重申,美國樂見兩...看新聞原文 扁嗆沒九二共識 薄瑞光拒談 ![]() 薄瑞光比夏馨正統太多了!!!!.夏馨只想跟豎仔扁搞三捻七,她還想幹嘛???? 阿扁不喜歡跟正統的人來往,馬英九則只適合跟正統的人來往.ㄏㄏㄏㄏㄏ 薄瑞光目前是夏威夷東西文化中心(EWC)東西論壇主任,他於2004年底自外交官退休後,便一直擔任這個職位。出任美國在台協會主席後,他同時繼續東西中心的現職。薄氏曾任美國駐越南大使、美國在台協會台北辦事處處長、美國駐上海領事館總領事、以及美國駐馬尼拉大使館與駐漢城大使館副館長。 他過去的職務包括服務於國家安全委員會,擔任雷根總統特別助理及拉丁美洲事務資深主任。他早期的拉丁美洲經驗包括任職於美國駐宏都拉斯及瓜地馬拉大使館。此外,薄氏曾任美國駐北京的政治參事、駐香港與西貢的政治官、及國務院越寮柬事務處副處長。 薄氏1945年出生於紐約市,在紐約都會區長大。他於1967年取得哥倫比亞學院學士學位,並曾在哥倫比亞學院國際暨公共事務研究所研究。1969年成為外交官之前,他曾自願參加和平工作團到南美哥倫比亞擔任志工。 薄瑞光目前任職的夏威夷東西文化中心位於夏威夷大學校區內,其實是美國務院的一個關係機構,專們研究美國東南亞情勢及政策,他的EWC中心上面還有一位總裁Dr.Charless Morrison,還有一企畫部主任位Mrs.Carol Fox,都是親台而且贊同兩岸直航的重量級美國友人,2007年他們三位均數度到過台灣,並且拜訪了台塑企業的王永慶先生,討論兩岸直航的看法,並且大罵阿扁騙人的鎖國態度,本人均在場也參與翻譯(抱歉為明真實只好洩露國家機密),本人並且早早就告訴過這些友人,不必研究阿扁,只要記住"阿扁的話要是能聽,狗屎也可以吃"這個結論就可以了,剛開始,他們都很錯愕,因為有學問的人不講"屎"的,他們哪知道,我是為了國家前途,不惜口出穢言,斯文掃地,儘量維持臺灣人流行的順口溜啊,但現在他們一定慶幸,幸好早早聽到並接受這句台灣智慧了!!!!!ㄏㄏㄏㄏㄏ!!!!!!我也曾經為了這事,寫了一封外交水準的信給薄瑞光和他的主管.希望是非有個公論!!!! March, 31. 2007 Dear Mr. Burghardt, In recognition of the Asia-Pacific Peace and Progress Project (AP&PP) and East West Center (EWC) teams’ increasing role and importance for the future of the “Two Straits” relationship between China and Taiwan, I would like to reference the below information for your consideration: 1. Distinguished members of international significance have pledged their support for the China Peace Confederation (“Chunghua Bon-Lian”), also known as the “Two Straits Peace and Progress under One Mr. Kenichi Ohmae (The Emergence of Chunghua – Dec. 2002); Mr. Lien Chan (Honorary Chairman of K.M.T.); Mr. Ma Ying-Jeou (Oct. 23, 2006 Mayor of Taipei City,Headline News); Venerable Master Hsing Yun (Hon. President of Buddha’s Light Int’l Association); Mr. James Soong (Chairman of People First Party); and Mr. Y. C. Wang (Founder of Formosa Plastic Group). 2. In 2005, Mr. Lien Chan signed the “Two Straits Peace Agreement” with Premier Hu Jing-Tao (Beijing April 29, 2005 NPF), and the People First Party filed a motion pushing forth the “Two Straits Peace Promote Act” in the Legislative Yuan (Sept. 27, 2005). Unfortunately, the Chen Shui-Bien government ignored the above policies. Further, Chen Shui-Bien recently assigned Mr. Joseph Wu (Chairman of Mainland Affairs Council) as his new representative to the
3. President Chen Shui-Bien must not ignore the opportunities for peaceful and prosperous exchange betweens the Two Straits is a pressing and urgent matter. For it is often said that, only pioneers with foresight and the courage to execute their strategy, shall attain limitless success. The EWC pledged its support in recognizing AP&PP as one of the best strategies to solve the issues troubling the Two Straits. In order to effectuate Mr. Y. C. Wang’s proclamation, I propose an opportunity for the Two Straits in the form of a declaration called: “The Letter of Intent to Execute the Two Straits Peace and Progress Mutual Vision Agreement.” Thereafter, the signatories will adopt and execute the “Non-Stop Direct Flight Policy.” At this time, heavy clouds appear to overshadow the Two Straits good intentions. Prompt availability of Direct Flights will allow dignitaries of Two Straits to quickly develop strategies and timely maximize all opportunities for peace. In these times of uncertainly, winds of logic with visions of peace must courageously push ahead to and prevail. Sincerely Yours, Alan J.LChang CHAIRMAN, ULSRF.ORG
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