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306 W1Q6 Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? Why?
2009/04/03 00:00:36瀏覽1211|回應8|推薦0


Q6 (30-second question)

Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? Why?

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306 W1Q6 Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? Why?
2009/04/18 22:24
I prefer to eat at home. Because eat at home my mother’s dishes will have her flavor. However eating out need to spend more and maybe taste so bad.
aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-20 12:16 回覆:


Please add some more details to your answer because this is a 30-second question.

Perhaps, you can consider the following answer.

I prefer to eat at home because my mom is a wonderful cook and I enjoy the food she prepares for us.

She has a special way of cooking that keeps me enjoying her cooking all lthe time.

On the contrary, eating out is usually far more costly.

Sometimes, you might even find the food sold at the restaurant tastes so bad.

That's why I prefer eating at home to eating out.

Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? Why
2009/04/18 15:32
I prefer eating out. Because I almost eat at home, I want go out to eat different food. Although it may cost more money when I eat out.   
aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-20 11:57 回覆:


Please expand your answers to meet the 30-second requirement.

Also, I suggest that you change the second sentence into the following one.

Because I always eat at home, the food prepared at home seems to be quite similar day after day.

I would like to eat out and try something novel.

Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? Why?
2009/04/18 15:16

I would perfer eating out. Because I usually eating at home, so I am tired of it. Even though I have to spend more when I am eating out, I still would choose that!

aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-20 11:53 回覆:


Please add some more details into your statemnet if possible.

It's a 30-second question.

You should consider expanding the argument.

I would prefer eating out because I usually eat at home.

The food at home seems to be quite the same all the time. 

I grow a bit tired of it sometimes.

Even though I might have to spend more when I eat out, I would still choose to do that.

Eating out allows me to try out different styles of cooking and cusines from around the world.

Therefore, .........

Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? Why?
2009/04/16 13:41

I prefer eating at home because I can cook anything I like at home. When I eating out, foods are always expensive than I cook for myself.

aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-20 11:45 回覆:


Please note that this is a 30-second question.

You might need to expand your answer into four to eight sentences depending on your speech rate and your content.

You can read through your fellow classmates' responses and my responses to their answers to come up with your own revised answer.

Also, I would suggest you change the second sentence into the following one.

When I eat out, I find the food are always more expensive than that I cook for myself.

2009/04/13 16:17
I like to eat at home because I think it is healthier than eat out. And I can eat things I like to eat. I can also make thing I want to eat. Eating out will spend a lot of money, and I do not like it. Eating at home can save money.
aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-20 11:41 回覆:


Please take a look at the following response.

I prefer to eat at home because I think it is healthier than eating out.

Food sold at restaurants or food stands are usually served with more salt or some spices that makes the food tasty.

Also, when I eat at home, I can cook things that I like to eat.

In addtion, eating out would cost more money than eating at home.

Eating at home can help save some moeny.

Therefore, I prefer eating at home to eating out.


2009/04/06 16:00
I prefer eating at home because homemade food is clean and more healthier. Eating at home, I know how the food is cooked. On the other hand, outside food sometimes adds a lot of spice. We don't know exactly whether the food is clean or not.. 
aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-12 17:59 回覆:


Please consider the following answers.

I prefer eating at home because homemade food is cleaner and much healthier in general.

On one hand, I have more control over food prepared at home.

I would be able to know how the food is processed at home.

On the other hand, food sold in the  restaurants are usually added a good amount of spices to make it tastier.

Strong flavors could possibly cover up unfresh ingredients.

We have less control over the food quality compared to the food prepared at home.

 That's why I prefer eating at home than eating out.

2009/04/06 11:44

I like to eat at home best. Because my mother will cook I like food. And my mother cook is very delicious. So I like eating at home. 

aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-12 17:48 回覆:


You may consider the following answer.

I prefer eating at home to eatin out. Because my mother often cooks the food I like. I enjoy the delicious food my mom prepare at home more than the food sold at the restaurants or shops.

aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-12 17:53 回覆:

Also, since it's a 30-second question.

You may add some comments about the food served at the restaurants and shops.

You can mention the following points.

1. The food sold in the shops or restaurants are far more expensive.

2. The food served at the retaurant are sometime too salty or greasy.

It may somtimes contain MSG, a chemical substance, which is bad for your body but makes the food taste good.

3. We have less control over the food hygiene  of the food served at the shops or restaurants.

Alison's opinion
2009/04/03 00:06

I prefer eating at home most of the time unless it's a special occasion.

Eating at home allows me to eat in a healthier way, which means less chemicals, less sodium, less fat and sugar.

I also enjoy the relaxing atmosphere at home.

However, I do prefer eating out when there is a special occasion, such as Valentine' Day, Mother's Day and someone's birthday.

It's a wonderful treat to be able to dine in a nice restaurant with friends and families.