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306 W1Q3~How often do you go shopping at a department store?
2009/04/02 23:38:07瀏覽683|回應8|推薦0



How often do you go shopping at a department store?

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53628 Ming
How often do you go shopping at a department store?
2009/05/17 22:15

Because of two reasons, I rarely go shopping at a department store. The first is the things that the department store sales are too expensive to me. I'm just a student and didn't have enough ability to offer it. The second is the department store is too far away from my home. It spends more time to go to the department store than the grocery store.

306 W1Q3~How often do you go shopping at a department store?
2009/04/18 21:36
I seldom go shopping at department store. Because I don’t have much money to buy expensive clothes. However I don’t like famous brand I like something which is fewer people know even nobody know.
aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-19 23:41 回覆:


Consider the following answer.

I  seldom go shopping at a department store.....perhaps once every three month.

Goods sold at the deparment store are quite expensive and I can't afford them.

Besides, I don't really like famous brand goods sold at the department store.

I prefer something with good quality rather than with fame.

How often do you go shopping at a department store?
2009/04/18 14:20
I don't go to department store unless there has big sale. Because I can't afford the clothing in the department store. If I can I certainly will shop there!
aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-19 23:35 回覆:


Consider the following response.

I don't go to the department store unless there is a big sale.

I can't afford to buy the clothes sold in the department store in general.

When I can afford them at grand sale time, I would certainly shop there.

How often do you go shopping at a department store
2009/04/18 14:08

I go to department store once every three months. Because I don't have enoough money to shop at department store.

aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-19 23:43 回覆:
Clear and concise!

How often do you go shopping at a department store?
2009/04/16 12:50
I go shopping at a department store about twice a year. I don't like to  go shopping at a department store because I think the thing at a department is very expensive. I always buy things at a common store.
aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-19 23:23 回覆:


Good job done in general.

I did some modifications.

Please read on.

I don't like to fo shopping at a department store because goods sold at the department stores are usually fairly expensive.

I usually buy things I need at the markets or ordinary shops.

2009/04/13 15:23
I nearly never go shopping at a department store. I don't like the place that has a big crowd of people. I will feel a little uncomfortable. Another reason is that it ia a very tired thing to shopping at s department store.
aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-19 23:28 回覆:


Please consider the following answer.

I rarely go shopping at a department store.

I don't like to go to a place where there is a huge crowd.

The crowdedness in the department stores makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.

Also, it could be quite tiring sometimes to shop at a departmentt store because of the vast area it covers.

2009/04/06 11:10

I go shopping twice a month.

I'll buy I need thing.

aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-09 13:37 回覆:


Your answer might be a bit short.

You'll need to give more details.

Consider the following answer.

I go shopping at a department store about twice a month.

I enjoy the shopping environment and buy what I need at the department store.

Re:How often do you go shopping at a department store?
2009/04/05 10:39
I go shopping at a department store once a year because the stuffs there are too expensive. Also, it is far away from my home. It takes me about two hours to get  to the nearest department store.
aflwonderland(aflwonderland) 於 2009-04-09 13:34 回覆:
Good job!