字體:小 中 大 | |
2009/03/27 18:34:53瀏覽4130|回應4|推薦2 | |
這個程式在 Word, Excel, Powerpoint 都可以執行,誰能說出它在做什麼? Option Base 1 Sub DoSomething() Dim bytes(9) As Byte Dim byteno As Long, wordcnt As Long, low As Long, high As Long fnum = FreeFile byteno = 1 wordcnt = 1 Open "C:\ABC.txt" For Binary As #fnum For high = &H81 To &HFE For low = &H40 To &HFE If Not ((high = &HA3) And (low >= &HC0)) Then If (low <= &H7E) Or (low >= &HA1) Then bytes(1) = Asc(Mid(Hex(high), 1)) bytes(2) = Asc(Mid(Hex(high), 2)) bytes(3) = Asc(Mid(Hex(low), 1)) bytes(4) = Asc(Mid(Hex(low), 2)) bytes(5) = Asc(" ") bytes(6) = high bytes(7) = low If (wordcnt Mod (8)) <> 0 Then bytes(8) = Asc(" ") bytes(9) = Asc(" ") Else bytes(8) = 13 bytes(9) = 10 End If Put #fnum, byteno, bytes wordcnt = wordcnt + 1 byteno = byteno + 9 End If End If Next low Next high Close fnum End Sub |
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