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2016/07/20 12:40:46瀏覽913|回應0|推薦1

背景音樂Leo Roja 老鷹之歌 

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The Universe constantly gives us gift in various forms, sweet or bitter...

The giving is not normally materialized unless we have the wisdom to treat each encounter as a gift and ask, “What does the encounter try to teach me and how can I be positive about it?”

物以稀為貴,擁有豐富時,往往就忘了珍惜。老頭不知道是想開了,還是想不開,在獨立紀念週,拋棄陽光豐富的熱鬧南灣,到離家八百英哩猶他州,高居九千四百英尺的 "Powder Mountain Ridge" 寂靜山野中,學習如何珍惜 。

因為不習慣高山氧氣稀薄,先小病了兩天,特別想念平地富足的空氣 ,人在福中不知福,還好宇宙賜給禮物,接受面對後,第三天又生龍活虎!

One day... while strolled along PineView lake gifted by the Universe for community on the mountain top of Utah Cache county, 老頭 spotted a man who bent his body searching very hard for value in the water.

Having experienced, many times in life, that happiness came after attainment on "looking for a needle in a haystack" -like effort, 老頭 stopped at the encounter and pondered what the Universe was trying to teach him this time.

Twenty minutes quickly slipped away, a young man walked toward 老頭, held a black wallet on his hand and asked if 老頭 knew whom the wallet he spotted on the parking lot hundreds meters away belongs to.

Glanced at the familiar black wallet, 老頭 was shocked to realize that he has dropped his wallet even without noticing it somewhere!

This young man walked a long way looking for and finally found the owner of wallet,which saved 老頭 countless worry and trouble on a vacation eight-hundred miles away from home! 

Being left in a shock, 老頭 forgot to reward the honest young man anything but a sincere thank and handshake.

Thankfulness deeply inked in 老頭s heart, he tells himself, “this encounter was such a gift that only when it is passed on to the other person one day, can the invaluable favor of this young man be returned.”


有時候,有時候 .....

然而這些禮物,只送到我們門口,我們不會收得到,唯有自己真心誠意,放下 我執 ego,打開心門,深深的感恩,伸出雙手,我們才可能收下這個禮物,否則一愰而過。


謝謝 Carol Lin 允許我採用她的分享,使我有机会鼓勵自己隨時不忘「感恩的心,豐富的心」! 

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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